Esta semana no he tenido mucha oportunidad de salir de mi apartamento, y pensé bueno no tengo imágenes bonitas que compartir.
Y estando sentada en la barra de mi cocina se me aparece esta hermosa bandera reflejada en ella, también se refleja la ventana, esta bandera la colocan cuando hay fiestas patrias es enorme está a metros de distancia.
Y se ve desde varios puntos por su altura; aunque me gusta más mi tricolor esta también se ve hermosa.
Es la bandera panameña.
This week I haven't had much opportunity to leave my apartment, and I thought well, I don't have pretty pictures to share.
And while I was sitting at the counter in my kitchen, this beautiful flag appeared to me, reflected in it, the window is also reflected, they put this flag up when there are national holidays, it is huge, it is meters away.
And it can be seen from various points due to its height; Although I like my tricolor better, this one also looks beautiful.
It is the Panamanian flag