Happy to join again the Reflection Hunters Contest. This is my entry for round 152. Just in case you stumble upon thus contest for the first time, check the link for the rules. Also I invite you to visit the other contestants posts, there are always incredible photos that can inspire you to grab the camera and look for reflections to capture.
Today I finally visited the Retro Museum, where one can find old stuff including cars and motorcycles along with everyday objects we have during the communist regime, In other words the Retro Museum is more likely Museum of the not so long time ago, if I could call it like that. More thoughts about it will follow in another post. Now I want to show you some reflections I caught there.
There are mirrors under the cars and I instantly knew I will make some shots for the Reflection Hunters Contest. The cars were shiny and they also reflect many things but I was looking at the mirrors as this was much more interesting.
I know nothing about engines and other stuff. However visitors can see how these cars made in Eastern Europe back then looked inside. Some have their bonnets open like the first photo, which is my entry photo, I forgot to mention.
And some more cars and reflections.
The museum is situated in one of the malls in my town - Varna, Bulgaria. Most likely I will visit it again with my camera as now I had only my phone camera and I wasn't sure if the photos will be good enough to enter the contest. But here they are, my reflections photos.
Good luck everybody!

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