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RE: Soft Toys - may they come in May?

in Hive Collectors10 months ago

There are many beautiful memories in there with that motley crew of characters!

(especially gangsta platypus...)

But the Seal Mum is just soooo adorable...Can you believe that Canadians club baby seals to death every year in the thousands with the support of their government...

Bit I do love how the wise old rabbit is looking over them all, keeping is eye on them all to make sure that they're safe!

A gorgeous collection (I won't say 'soft' just incase someone else in there reads this and gets offended...🤣..)


Gangsta platypus 😂

The wise rabbit has that look, I also spotted it and yeah, let's say just stuffed animals so Elmo still waves to us 😉

I was just going to lament about how I don't have any soft toys to snuggle into, but I actually do!

3 to be precise.
Though one is not very snuggly, just very funny.

And I do actually snuggle into one every night in bed.

I will take photos of them tomorrow as I think that you would love them too!