Hi all 👋🏻
Today we travel back to FRANCE - PARIS with my StreetArt finds.
This LARGE WALL is COVERED BY HUNDREDS OF ARTISTS with their works… I will focus on the one I like the most. A portrait painted by ERNESTO NOVO. All of these works of art are located in ”PARIS” the capital city of #FRANCE ! 🇫🇷
I captured these #murals / #artworks on 2 JULY 2022 while I was visiting the beautiful 🥰 city.
The Photographs in this post I took with my phone… 📱
The first #photo will be my #entry into the “CCC's Street Art Contest #192” hosted by @digi-me
Thank you @trincowski, @heroldius, @melinda010100, @ervin-lemark, @ecency, @tobetada and @arcange and many more for supporting this #contest!
‼️If you want to know more about this contest: have a look at @digi-me ’s post: CCC's Street Art Contest #192 | 🎁 : 100% Liquid Payout and Ecency points as Prize Pool & Winners of #191‼️
It tells you all the rules and how you can enter. Join us! It’s truly fun around here 🤩
Let’s look at ERNESTO’S WORK and the rest of this large wall and take in all the little and large other streetart works too :
Location: ”RUE DÉNOYEZ, 20th Arr./ DISTRICT” - PARIS - FRANCE 🇫🇷
Work Created:… DEC 2020
His instagram page you find here: ERNESTO NOVO
I like his portraits, have a look around on his instagram.
His post about this work you find here : Tribute to PEDRO
His Facebook page you find : Here!
A little bit of information you find in French here: Tribute to his friend… (this is also the source of the statement below)
Il a peint un homme barbu, aux cheveux longs, assis sur une chaise. Visiblement c’est un ami d’Ernesto Novo s’appelant Pedro. Il a voulu lui rendre hommage suite à son décès, par contre impossible pour moi pour en savoir plus sur cet homme (clichés Nov 2021).
English translation with Google translate;
He painted a bearded man with long hair sitting on a chair. Obviously it's a friend of Ernesto Novo called Pedro. He wanted to pay tribute to him following his death, however it was impossible for me to find out more about this man.
I love the way Ernesto has painted Pedro, sitting relaxed looking over the terrace in front of him. Like he belongs to this area.
The blue colours are so vivid, great shadows too. What makes this painting So realistic from afar.
What do you think?
Don’t forget to look at the great little portraits above PEDRO 😊
Let’s look at all the other works now:
Here you see the facade of the barber shop. So much tags everywhere.
More portraits and a large wolf 🐺 on the side pilar. Some eyes on the post and flying ghosts 👻
A bit further back again 😎 we also see mosaic in some corners 😉 do you see it?
There is just sooooo much to see. Too much for me to take all the works seperately 😉 so just enjoy all the works you can see and find.
Love this little 🦎lizard / iguana. A great work, too bad from the yellow spray onto it.
We see some famous portraits too.
And that’s all for today’s #StreetArt post my friends.
Until my next post! 👋🏻😎
Hope you enjoyed my #photos of this StreetArt find. #haveyoubeenhere
Thank you for looking and reading 😊 🙏🏻 Stay tuned for more… 😉

#ecency banner by @irisworld
Any questions or comments, let me know. Always happy to help.
Have a great Monday all 😊
Grtz Jackie
💙 If you missed my other Paris Street Art posts.
PART 1 until 24, you can find them here :
StreetArt in PARIS - France 🇫🇷 Part 1
StreetArt in PARIS - France 🇫🇷 Part 2
StreetArt in PARIS - France 🇫🇷 Part 3
StreetArt in PARIS - France 🇫🇷 Part 4
StreetArt in PARIS - France 🇫🇷 Part 5
StreetArt in PARIS - France 🇫🇷 Part 6
StreetArt in PARIS - France 🇫🇷 Part 7
Small StreetArt in PARIS - France 🇫🇷 Part 8
PORTRAITS StreetArt in PARIS - France 🇫🇷 Part 9
more PORTRAITS StreetArt in PARIS - France 🇫🇷 Part 10
StreetArt in PARIS - France 🇫🇷 Part 11
“The New Mona Lisa” StreetArt in PARIS - France 🇫🇷 Part 12
“SURF RIDER” StreetArt in PARIS - France 🇫🇷 Part 13
more StreetArt in PARIS - France 🇫🇷 Part 14
“Ludovic Djeradi“ StreetArt in PARIS - France 🇫🇷 Part 15
“BOM-K” StreetArt in Paris - France 🇫🇷 Part 16
“INTI CASTRO” StreetArt in Paris - France 🇫🇷 Part 17
“MARQUISE” StreetArt in Paris - France 🇫🇷 Part 18
“JEROME RASTO” StreetArt in Paris - France 🇫🇷 Part 19
“SETH” StreetArt in Paris - France 🇫🇷 Part 20
stencil StreetArt in Paris - France 🇫🇷 Part 21
more StreetArt finds in PARIS FRANCE 🇫🇷 ~ Part 22
2 FOR ONE😉/ some AWESOME StreetArt finds in PARIS FRANCE 🇫🇷 ~ Part 23

Unless stated otherwise: All art and photos used in my posts are taken, created and owned by me. If you wish to use any of my photographs, please contact me first. As I have used some commercially myself. We don’t want that you or somebody else gets into trouble 😉 So please don’t use them without my consent.

🖼 My PRINTSHOP: for the purchase of all kind of prints in many sizes from my Artworks 🎨 and Photography 📸 Which come on different objects too. Have a look in My Prints Shop!

If you want to see where I traveled to and what I already shared in @pinmapple, have a look at my personal map here: Littlebee4 PINMAPPLE MAP

banner by @irisworld