While enjoying the hectic life of a sailor, I took the opportunity to pause a bit the progress in the story mode and do some acts of piracy. Raiding some merchant ships made it easier for me to get upgrades for my ship, as I made a good profit by selling the goods stolen during the boardings.

Once I had upgraded my boat to the maximum allowed, I decided to set out on a journey to an inlet where Kidd had arranged to meet me to show me something. So, without wasting any time, after escaping from some bounty hunters in the middle of a night storm, I set off on my journey.

Arriving at the agreed location, I witnessed a murderous brotherhood settlement rising up before me. Fearing for Kidd's safety, I slipped through the bushes until I reached him. To my surprise, Kidd was part of the assassin brotherhood and, after interceding for me with their leader, he asks me to follow him to an ancient temple, as there is something inside that I must see.

The inside of the temple was in very bad shape, which made moving forward increasingly difficult. After doing a lot of acrobatics and parkour, we reached an area blocked by a door. That's how, after a lot of thinking and almost losing our lives due to a slip, we were able to open the door and continue.

Further on it became impossible to continue because the door was blocked by a landslide, so we had no choice but to jump into the water through a huge hole in the floor. Luckily, the water was a subway river that contained pockets of air, which allowed us to breathe every now and then.

As I emerged from the water, I had before me the central area of the temple and as we climbed it we came across a huge door that had to be opened by solving a riddle. The riddle was quite easy and had the same mechanics as the door we had opened on the way.

As I solved the riddle, gates slowly opened to reveal silhouettes of human faces. It wasn't until the third gate opened that I recognized a face that somehow looked very familiar.

As I approached, I could confirm my suspicions, for that face was that of the sage I had met in Havana. Something did not add up, since that temple seemed to be hundreds or thousands of years old, according to Kidd. What I was sure of was that I had before me irrefutable proof that the observatory did exist. I was also convinced that the Templars had the sage in their possession, as well as the key with his blood on it.

As I leave the temple, I meet the leader of the assassins' brotherhood, who informs me that a war galleon had landed on the beach and that, as a result, they had captured my crew.

The news did not take me by surprise, because even though that was a safe place, among the things I took to Havana was a map with the locations of the brotherhood's settlements. So I already had two compelling reasons to confront the attackers. The first was that my ship and crew were in danger and the second was that all this had happened because of me. So without hesitation, I set out to face one of the many consequences of my actions.
But that will be for another post, as I'll say goodbye for today. Goodbye!

Thank you very much for reading my post. If you liked it, please leave a comment and consider following me so you don't miss my next posts. I'd love to know your opinion and your thoughts about the topic I discussed in this post, see you in the next one!
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Translated by DeepL