Well Hello There Fellow Hivers!
So I recently downloaded Forza 5:Horizon again, the idea came to me before coming on holiday because it is a game that you can have short powerfull sessions off! Basically I wanted something to play on holiday that wouldn't take up my entire day or a great chunk of it! Hence Forza 5, although why I ever removed it from my computer is a mystery unto myself as well!
What this game offers is immense and the beauty of the cars in it is even more immense! I've never been a fan of racing games or what not, even being a mechanic but Forza 5:Horizon has really managed to steal my heart and soul!
Get Ready For An Influx!
The game is beyond beautifull and what better place to show those nasty beautifull screenshots than right here in the #GamingPhotography Community!
I dropped a new vehicle and well now I'm going to show it off!
The 2015 Jaguar XFR-S and it's in one of my all time favourite colours after white!
Which one do I like the best? Well to be very honest I love all of them! It would be hard to put a finger down on one and say that one, but I suppose the one that would be on the cover photo would be the one that stands out at first sight!
If you do happen to like these! Stay tuned for more because I think a bug might have bitten me with this post! Anyways guys and gals! Have a great one and I hope everyone is still kicking away at this holiday season with smiles!
The lights of a car are almost always my very first attraction, oh and these are just simply breathtaking!
This might not be for everyone but closing the gap on the wheel arch is certainly a must! #DroppedForLife!
I decided to keep the rims original Jaguar rims instead of customizing them to something that doesn't have that much attraction!
Front ends! Rear ends! I don't know if I have it in me to decide which I like more!
I notice that even in games they have colour mismatch on bumper to metal surface! Quite cool that they noticed that!
The wing on the rear end is completely custom, Jaguar doesn't add it! Still it looks beautifull though!
Notice the lights reflection on the hood? It would actually be very befitting to add two wind scoops right where they are reflecting!
That right there is why one should always have a bottle of polish or wax available for your own vehicle! Who doesn't like a shiny new vehicle!
I might be in the market to buy myself one, second hand though! If they are affordable enough! But doesn't that look slick beyond?
I'd have preferred a much larger air intake from the nose side, but that'll do! It adds a whole other level of beastlyness to it!
Slick line for a elegant and luxurious vehicle! Tuned to the max although it still looks like factory!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!
Dated 27/12/2023

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