Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
The Would Drive But Wont Buy!
So here I am with quite a couple of extra cars and some of them are a great deal nicer than you'd think!
And since I've not shared any of them for quite some time as well I thought I'd get back into that and share some gaming photography of these very nice and beautifull, crap?
Yeah most would say it's crap, you know "Land Rover" now I wont say I agree but I do agree. If you don't have money then owning one really shouldn't be in your books, it really shouldn't! They are hella bad on maintenance!
We can still enjoy the look of them right!
Straight Off The Bat.
The first thing I admire to the bone about this Defender is the stance, it has this beastly and majestic stance and I love it like wild fire!
I'd have to say that I'd rock one of these even if my old pops would not dare drive with me in that thing! Oh he hates them, he absolutely hates them!
They Did Something Right Though.
My Grandfather being an English man and all that... he himself doesn't like anything the English built or had a part to play in. Quite odd but I'd give him that much.
Now as much as he might hate them they did something right with these Defenders! Mainly lookwise but it does have some power underneath the hood, it's not a slow powerfull creature.
Built Tanky.
I think that's the reason why I like them so much, they look tanky.
It looks like a Humvee but prettier, still battle ready though.
It's The Colours Too.
No jokes, the colours play a big part in all of this! The rose gold or rose-ish gold if you would mixed up with the black in a totally modern and elegant way!
Damn you don't always see such beautifull designing! They really put in a great deal of effort into these!
Miles Above.
This is surely not of the same standards as your average SUV like the "Ford Everest" or the "Toyota Fortuner," no no this is of some next level stuff!
This however is not as sweet on the pockets as any of those other SUV's, it is on the eyes though, that much I can give!
Just By Looks.
By looks alone this can win a race! Nah laughs I'm joking these aren't built for racing but imagine what you could do if you did some work underneath the hood!
Just imagine! Making them growl and then being able to add that verosicity into the growl, that small little detail that can scare one to death!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!
Oh yeah just a short video of me driving aimlessly and doing a speedtrap! I managed to get 131 MPH out of it, quite nice considering that I didn't even expect to hit 130 with the distance that I took.

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