Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
I Almost Forgot About This One!
Truely I did! I'm not yet sure but I think this one deserves to go into the #GamingPhotography community! Hell yeah! This is beautifull!
Probably not as beautifull as it can be running on my system but it sure as hell is stunning for a racing game! They really dug some deep effort into the world map in general!
So to start it off I only got this one beautifull view from one of the houses I own in the game! To tell it plain I never really thought of playing the game in such a manner as to hunt great views!
I'm going to bomb it out there with a couple of pictures of the same mountain but from different angles within the car driving style.
Almost all of them look great, all but one!
The views from both within and out side of the car looks quite balling to say the least and it was hard to actually pick which one I like more than the other. Although I did think there was more but it must have been because I cycled through them twice.
I do know which one I absolutely didn't like but it wasn't this one!
The view from within was something else, it gave the sense of it being real. even though we know it's not xD Laughs. It's the idea that counts at the end of the day right?
However it's real nice seeing the steering wheel along with the mountain in this Viper!
There's the good good at! This is what it's actually suppose to look like, although with a hint of the steering wheel showing, just a hint. Now that look would have made it look real beyond imagination! Seriously! It would have looked real dope!
Perhaps after a update!
This one was just bleh... I honestly didn't even have words for this other than criticism.
A Race To Be Won!
As I said this wasn't planned for the #GamingPhotography community but I thought I'd pop my head in!
I have to at-least share the race right? After all it is going to be in the video?
With that said I will not be racing in the Viper today! Oh no I'll be racing in something that nobody ever expected me to show up in!
Who Can Tell?
Seriously? Who can tell? I know for a fact I would not have been able to tell!
Okay so all of you saw it from the video but this is a frikking Lamborghini! Can you imagine! A Lambo! That looks like a frikking Humvee!
I did think it would be the famous Lamborghini yellow though!_
Without a doubt this was a blast!
Pure Madness!
Of-course these old super car truck stuff wouldn't be fast! They're from before!
From before we knew how to make a car real fast! Long before that!But that doesn't mean they don't drive as they were intended to, these things can slop up a lot of mud and not even be affected by it at all!
Without a doubt a race I will re-run until the earth is washed away underneath the tracks!
It's all these odd races that end up being a great deal of fun at the end of the day, believe it or not!

Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive