Recibiendo el año con un baño de playa
Hola Hola
Como saben, el mar limpia y sana. Asi que todos los años nos vamos a reiniciar con una bañada de agua salada.
Aunque solo me bañe una vez porque hacia mucha brisa, siento que nada mas ir y escuchar el oleaje, te abre la mente y las buenas energias.
Llegamos a la playa, nos ubicaron en un toldo grande, mas cómodo, ahi lance mi toalla y me senté viendo al mar. Agradecí por estar ahí.
Comi, me recargie porque estaba malisimo ya que me fui de fiesta el dia anterior. Decidí meterme al mar para quitarme todo mal.
El mar me hizo sentirme bien, estaba sabrosa el agua, a mi no me picaron las aguamalas pero si a César y los demas.
Al salir pegó la brisa, me comenzó a dar frío y ahi fue cuando no quise bañarme más. Sin embargo, me quedé enrollada a la toalla conversando con mi papa, cuñado y hermana.
Asi es la vida, de momentos y oportunidades.
Receiving the year with a beach swim
Hello hello
As you know, the sea cleans and heals. So every year we go to restart ourselves with a bath of salt water.
Although I only bathed once because it was very breezy, I feel that as soon as I go and listen to the waves, it opens your mind and the good energies.
We arrived at the beach, they placed us in a large, more comfortable awning, there I threw my towel and sat looking at the sea. I was grateful for being there.
I ate, I recharged because I was really sick since I went partying the day before. I decided to go into the sea to get rid of all the bad things.
The sea made me feel good, the water was tasty, the water didn't bite me but César and the others did.
When I came out the breeze hit me, I started to get cold and that's when I didn't want to bathe anymore. However, I stayed wrapped in the towel talking with my dad, brother-in-law and sister.
That's life, of moments and opportunities.
Soy Ana Fuentes💜💜
-Fotos Redmi Note 9S
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