Pinyapples had Fruits Again

in Hive PHlast year

I'm so excited for these Pineapples!

We call them pinya in our dialect and merging it with the English Word, I came up with pinyapples! It was only for fun ang the family had been naming it that since

My parents had a farm and because we like eat more of something we find delicious, we all got along in finding ways to plant seeds or whatever ways that could propagate plants.

We live near Del Monte Pineapple Plantations but whenever we buy pineapples, the crown were cut to avoid people from planting them. Perhaps they did it so only them can plant those and avoid having competition among small farmers.

And as I said, we live near Del Monte pineapple plantations and we pass by the farms they get to plant with and some of the excess pinyapple crowns were just thrown beside the farms and sometime ls scattered on the road.

We took some since it will only rot anyway, planted them on the farm hoping that it would grow despite not having the chemicals they inject them with while growing tool produce excellent fruit. It took a year and my mother even think that it might not produce fruit it did!

The fruit brought forth crowns and my mother planted each of them and the plant produced a small plant beside it multiplying exceedingly.

After many years, the pineapples multiplied and brought many fruits for us to eat. The fruits on the photo above only needed a few weeks to be ready and I am so excited about it for my mother

Surely the pineapples are sweet an juicy!


Giving them a benefit of the doubt, my guess is that the crowns are excluded since produce are usually sold in kilos. People buy fruits mainly for eating anyway, so they pay only what they eat.

What's interesting is that the crowns are just being disposed, although I guess there is not much market for its 'seeds'.