Hola mis deportistas favoritos de hive y en especial de la comunidad FullDeportes. El día de hoy quiero compartirle sobre mi participación en los XXIV Juegos Magisteriales del Municipio Bolívar- Estado Sucre, año escolar 2023-2024, se llevaron a cabo este miércoles 10 de enero.
! [English Version]
Hello my favorite athletes of hive and especially of the FullDeportes community. Today I want to share with you about my participation in the XXIV Teachers' Games of the Municipality Bolivar- Sucre State, school year 2023-2024, which took place this Wednesday, January 10.
Participaron los 4 circuitos escolares que conforman el municipio Bolívar, se inauguró con una caminata desde la entrada de Los Cocos hasta la Urbanización Los Cocalitos, más o menos a las 8 y 45 arrancamos con buen entusiasmo y buena vibra, todos contentos, en el trayecto contamos con puntos de hidratación y al llegar a la meta nos recibieron con snacks para recuperar parte de la energía perdida por la caminata.
! [English Version]
The 4 school circuits that make up the municipality of Bolivar participated, it opened with a walk from the entrance of Los Cocos to the Urbanization Los Cocalitos, more or less at 8:45 am we started with good enthusiasm and good vibes, all happy, along the way we had hydration points and upon reaching the goal we were greeted with snacks to recover some of the energy lost by the walk.

! [English Version]
The course was 2. 4 kilometers and I came in fifth place in my category of 35 to 55 years, there were more than 30 in that category, I proudly represented the circuit number three, I tell you that I walked with runners who every year participate and are winners of the first two places, in my 21 years in teaching in this competition I have participated only 3 times with this one, In the previous ones I arrived behind the ambulance hahaha, I must thank my training in running with @HiveRun have helped me to this achievement, I feel satisfied, but I confess that I could have obtained the 3rd place, I was entertained with the video recordings and photos, next school year I will put more batteries hahaha.

Todos nos dirigimos a la enramada de la señora Chucha, así cariñosamente se llama el lugar, allí se dio apertura a los otros juegos con la elección de la madrina, la cual fue merecedora la del circuito número dos. Los juegos que se llevaron a cabo desde el 10 hasta el 13 de enero fueron bolas criollas, voleibol, pelota de goma, truco, dominó, dama china. Mi participación fue en voleibol y pelota de goma, tenía años que no los jugaba. Aunque me lleve varias caídas, jajaja, me divertí bastante. En voleibol quedamos de cuarto lugar y pelota de goma de tercero. El espíritu de todo deportista es participar y divertirse.
! [English Version]
We all went to Mrs. Chucha's enramada, as the place is affectionately called, where the other games were opened with the election of the godmother, which was deservedly the one from circuit number two. The games that took place from January 10 to 13 were: bolas criollas, volleyball, rubber ball, truco, dominoes and dama china. My participation was in volleyball and rubber ball, I had not played them for years. Although I took several falls, hahaha, I had a lot of fun. In volleyball we were fourth and rubber ball third. The spirit of every athlete is to participate and have fun.

Pasamos un rato agradable esos 3 días que estuvimos cerca de la playa, la brisa, el sonido de las pequeñas olas romper con la orilla, es gratificante, el compartir con los colegas de nuestra escuela y las demás presente, todos en armonía por una vida más sana y recreándonos de la mejor manera, haciendo actividades físicas y recreativas. Estoy muy contenta, el año que viene seguiré participando, esperando seguir con este entusiasmo y buena vibra.
! [English Version]
We had a nice time those 3 days we were near the beach, the breeze, the sound of the small waves breaking on the shore, it is gratifying, sharing with colleagues from our school and the others present, all in harmony for a healthier life and recreating ourselves in the best way, doing physical and recreational activities. I am very happy, next year I will continue to participate, hoping to continue with this enthusiasm and good vibes.

Me despido de ustedes. Hasta una próxima experiencia deportiva, gracias por leer y con gusto leeré sus comentarios, saludos, “vamos por más”.
! [English Version]
I bid you farewell. Until a next sporting experience, thanks for reading and I will gladly read your comments, greetings, "let's go for more ".

❤ Contenido original del autor.
❤ Imágenes y videos tomados con mi teléfono Umidigi A11 por mi hija Sofía.
❤ Editor de foto: GridArt.
❤ Editor de video: CapCut.
❤ Música Colección de Sonidos My Flight de Megan Yagami.
❤ Logos tomado de la plataforma.
! [English Version]
❤ Original content by the author.
❤ Images and videos taken with my Umidigi A11 phone by my daughter Sofia.
❤ Photo editor: GridArt.
❤ Video editor: CapCut.
❤ Music My Flight Sound Collection by Megan Yagami.
❤ Logos taken from the platform.

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