How are you today.
This is not a holiday but I am not working today.
I stay not very well this morning and do not go to the industry.
So I take a rest in my home and eating good enough with my favorite foods.
I bought some pork meat from the market yesterday.
So I cooked pork curry in this morning and ate pork curry for lunch.
Pork curry is one of my favorite foods.
And then I made another one to eat for snack time.
I made and prepared quail eggs and cooked duck blood with spicy sauce.
After cooking and preparing.. I ate good enough for my snack.
I like so much my lunch foods and also snack foods.
I ate all these nice foods and so tasty.
After eating of my nice foods...I feel better in this evening.
Now I am reading about some news and using internet to get more knowledges.
During reading time...I am drinking a cup of coffee.
It is one of my favorite life styles.
Coffee is my favorite drink.
Today is My Eating & Drinking & Relaxing Day.
Let me stop today and try my best in next.
Have a nice day.
Good luck to all.
18:15 PM