My favorite things………can you guess? Read on to find out!
Work was very busy today. Fortunately the doc’s mom came to help out as Yana couldn’t be there. I’m glad she did. I had one of those patients who got up on the wrong side of the bed and seethed until afternoon where upon she used me for her doormat! Why do people treat people badly? In the end, I did get her diffused and she actually came out of her exam and apologized to me for earlier. However, nobody should attack any person, let alone the one who was really trying to help! She did leave happier and calmer than when she walked in. 😏
My favorite things?……..what I really enjoy photographing………well if you’ve read any of my posts, you would know that it’s ‘shrooms! 🍄🟫🍄🟫🍄🟫 They fascinate me with their structure and details! Enjoy!
I stopped by the library on my way home from work to pick up a couple of books I’d ordered in.
That first picture isn’t of a ‘shroom but of an interesting ground cover on the lawn of the library. It was is a moderate space and when you looked at the whole of it, it was kind of mesmerizing!
I’m glad the workday is over. When I came out of the grocery store, I noticed my rear driver’s side tire looked low. I pushed on it with my finger and it was sort of soft. I debated, as it wasn’t flat and radial tires tend to have that look a bit anyway. I decided to drive home but said a quick prayer before doing so. I’ve never had a flat while driving nor a blowout and wasn’t sure exactly how the car would react should it happen. I got home safe and sound and when @silvertop checked the tire pressure, it was at 15 PSI when it’s supposed to be at 33 PSI! 🙀 He put air in the tire and he searched everywhere on it with soapy water to no avail. I park at work on the street, so I suppose it’s conceivable that someone let air out. I wouldn’t normally think that, but he’s had exactly that happen to him before. It is a busy foot traffic area for kids, so I suppose it could happen. Anyway, we’re going to monitor the tire and if it loses air while here at home, then we’ll have to take it in and see if there’s a repair can be done. The tire is not worn out for sure!
That’s gonna be it for now. Take care and enjoy your weekend! 🙏🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦
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