My Actifit Report Card: February 7 2024

in Actifitlast year

A sunny and lovely morning to exceed my goal pf 10,000 steps. The awesome nature's scenery of luscious green fields and clear blue sky...white the birds that calmly mingle with carabao that endures hardwork amidst rain or shine.

Even such wild plants we often call weeds, deserve an admiration and appreciation indeed. The beauty of such buds deserve praise as it flash it's vibrant color might tomorrow won't last.

While briskly walking,I notice from afar- a rare wild cat enjoying the serenity of the field. Then, as I was approaching- It went alert,anxious and eager to flee .

As I continued to walk, another wild flowers caught my eyes. Such a bush of wild flowers seems proudly saying -"Hi!"

A silhouette of mine near the bushy weed,while loving the cold yet sunny weather.🤩😍

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Photowalking, Walking


Hi @julie808,
Your post contains great original photo content. However, when requesting a vote from the HELIOS project, please aim to write posts with 250 words or more. This may help reduce instances of downvotes.



thank you for this wonderful reminder, that would surely improve my post. I am grateful for your kindness.
