My Actifit Report Card: January 16 2025:Alive and Thriving Thursday!

in Actifit2 months ago

Hello friends and happy #aliveandthriving Thursday evening I wish you and also want to thank you for your visit!

This is a report for today's activities, I don't see me doing many more "steps" today - so I decided to post this evening instead of waiting till tomorrow!

So friends the day started like this,

After a short while it turned into this,

And then, pretty normal. After my morning routine I decided to jump on the Black bike and head over to the Park. I have done some "improvements" and wanted to test them out - more on that in an upcoming #cycling post!
This is a look out towards the end of the Fishing Pier,

And a look down the Shoreline,

After that, I rode home and ate lunch and then...
Headed out again! This is the first day we have had decent temperatures and it wasn't raining so I wanted to take full advantage of it!
This is another view of the Shoreline just about two hours later,

The Clouds have changed!

While walking around this Seagull flew overhead - looking for lunch, no doubt!

This is a friend of mine I met at the Park here some months ago. He is going fishing - but normally he is Biking it here and has a few himself!

After awhile I decided to leave and do some things at home. On my way out of the Park I caught this "young" Blue Heron hanging around with a White Egret,

Here the Egret is running away,

Actually chasing down a meal. And that left the Heron alone,

I decided to leave these two alone and continue on home, but went the long way - needed to get the step-count up!
On the way I went down N.A.S. Drive, and here is the Sun setting over there,

I liked the look of that and I knew that if I lapped the block I could get the Sun down a little further - so that's what I did. Here it is from the end of my street,

And that was it - mostly...
I "did" take out the Green bike afterwards - still had a low step-count, but didn't take any photos this time.
The rest of the step-count was normal house chores, dinner, etc...

And that was it for today! I want to again thank you for your visit and wish you a Very Blessed, Happy, and Safe Friday!

All photos property of @lesmann

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Cycling, Daily Activity, House Chores, Photowalking, Walking
5.10 ft
112 lb
Body Fat
29 in
