My Actifit Report Card: November 2 2024: Hectic and sunny

in Actifit4 months ago

I wish more hours could be added to the already-made 24 hours in a day because it's as if 24 hours isn't enough for us to satisfy our targets per day.

Do you know that I planned to accomplish many things today but ended up accomplishing only but few and the few I accomplished was also hectic on me. Emmm, if it's so, I think there is wisdom behind the 24 hours that made a day because our system needs rest at a point. Honestly, the Almighty God is filled with wisdom.

Ok oo, today started when I rose up from bed by 6:00am to pray and sing to my heavenly father as well as rendering cool petitions to him for the day.

By 6:30am, I did little exercise to strengthen my body for the day's activities.

Done, by 7:00am, chores began and I swept our environment including the house, wash plates, warm food, and later wash clothes.

Am the type that detests early morning food especially whenever am not in a rush to go out. So, it was by 10:am that I ate and have cool rest. By 11:35 am, I bathed, dressed up and left the house to a far distant market to purchase some items.

image captured by @marajah

image captured by @marajah

image captured by @marajah

The sun this days is too hot and aggressive that i barely withstood it's hotness today. Infact, because of the level of hotness from the sun, I was forced to buy umbrella today from a supermarket nearby the market. The umbrella cost me about 15 hive. Nevertheless, it's never a mistake or waste because I really need it especially during this forte-coming dry season.

image captured by @marajah

image captured by @marajah

Because of this umbrella that I bought, I wasn't able to board bike or tricycle back home as it was my intention.

Before I could reach house, it was already time to start preparing for dinner. My people, I just finished my dinner now before writing this post. That is how my day came to a close today despite that I wasn't able to accomplish all my today's intentions.

Hahahaha, man must rest naaa..

Good night friends.

Tomorrow things.....

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

House Chores, Walking



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