“We’ll Leave the Light On!” 😎 My Actifit Report Card: November 7 2024

in Actifit4 months ago (edited)

“We’ll Leave the Light On!” 😎
“Alexa what’s the weather forecast for today?”☺️
“Silvertop you will have Sunshine today, and you can expect a high of 60 degrees Fahrenheit!”
“That’s awesome Alexa!”
“Sorry….. I can’t help you with that Silvertop !”
Alexa is still a work in progress at times Lol!😇
I’ve since learned that after saying “Alexa” if I follow up immediately with “Simon says”, then you can add any statement you want Alexa to repeat and broadcast !☺️
Just think of the possibilities guys …Lol!😇
“Alexa, Simon Says, Silvertop go for a hike”………..
“Silvertop go for a hike!”😊
OK Alexa…… I’m heading out!🤗
Well that was easy Lol!😇
I haven’t been up to the “High Trail” in a few weeks, so I thought I would check out the Fall color, and the view of the city of Vancouver British Columbia!☺️
Hi @kerrislravenhill !!🤗
Finally up top, I stopped at a cabin owned by Tim one of my neighbors.
His outdoor gas barbecue was laying on its side thoroughly trashed!😳
It looks like one of our local Black Bears thought the barbecue smelled good, and decided to take it apart piece by piece!🙄
Don’t mess with hungry Bears my friends, or any bears!😮🐻
I carefully looked around the cabin………..
Of course Silvertop DIDN’T bring his Bear spray on today’s hike…..😬
No Bears in sight, that’s a relief!
By now the shadows were getting longer, it was time to head downhill and back home……
“Alexa, I’ll take a few more day like today!”🤗
“Sorry I can’t help you with that Silvertop!”
That’s OK Alexa Lol…………😇
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity, Hiking, House Chores



Never forget that bear spray! It's the time you need it that you won't have it... lol. Looks like it was a great day for a hike out there. It must have felt good to get back up to the high trail!

Beautiful country, I’m heading back up there right now as I type this reply!🤗

me encantaron esas fotografías, es un lugar muy lindo.

Muchas gracias mi amigo !!!!😀