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RE: broken car and search preparations [ENG/PL]

in Actifitlast year

Sorry to hear about the head gasket! That sucks... Any luck fixing it?

Treasure hunting is awesome, and there in Poland there are tons of lost coins and treasures buried over thousands of years just waiting to be found. I hope you can get out there soon. Nothing like treasure hunting, one of my favorite things to do!

What kind of stones do you have around the coins?



I am getting ready to go to the sea for amber

It is Amber Very popular on Polish beaches

I am still waiting for the parts I will do in general the whole sealing I think I can do. Only polishing I will put in the hands of a mechanic.

Thanks for the comment!

Very cool! Too bad it doesn't show up with the metal detector! I've always wanted to search for amber but never lived anywhere that it was an option!

There is a lot of amber in Poland and kaliningrad

That's cool! I wish there was some around here, but in California it's all gold!