Good day to each and every one and also to the actifit user. Today, I do my daily activities which are doing my household chores and cleaning outside my house. I haven't done anything special today but I want to share to you on what did I do in the afternoon.
I didn't went outside to go for a walk, instead, I play billiards with the other people who also likes playing billiards. Billiards is one of the best sport in the world and one person that I can remember when we talked about billiard masters and that is none other than Efren "Bata" Reyes. He is a genius and he is one of the legendary billiard pool player.
Anyway, I played billiards today, as I played my billiards. I encountered lots of opponent and I am a beginner in terms of playing billiards. I rarely play billiards and when I play, I always lose because my opponent is too strong to beat. They practice playing billiards almost every day and as for me, I will only play if I only like it.
I played for more that 2 hours. It's tiring while playing the billiards but it's fun to play whenever I shoot a ball into the hole and it's more exciting to play if I can shoot a ball in an unexpected way. Sometimes, there were some balls that I can't shoot even if the ball is near the hole maybe because of the nervousness and thoughts that if I can't shoot it, I will lose the game.
I've got a lot of sweat after playing the billiards because of the heat of the sun because the roof is only made of tarpaulin and not the usual roof of the house.
Note: The first photo was edited by myself using my Incollage application on my phone
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