I am Alive and Active Challenge: Actifit Report: February 16 2024 LIFE

in Actifitlast year

After planning your affairs, life happens.
Feeling lost for a split second could be pardoned as it is a process then making the most of it, is the next move.

I know that there is no one formula to life dealings. Some formulas work for one and not the other. So mistakes are inevitable- be kind to yourself.

I sewed some outfits and cut out a few to sew a gown for myself. Fetched some water from the borehole tap since the water supply around my area is unstable.

Then, I went to church for the stations of the cross. Took these pictures when returning home.

However, I plan out things I would love to do and sometimes create extra time for a little uncertainty. When it fails to pan out as planned I flow with it having it at the back of mind that I will do better the next time around.

Life is made up mostly of what we think of it. I choose optimism.

I am alive and grateful . Hope you are too.

Today's post is part of my daily participation in the #Iamalivechallenge

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And celebrate being #alive

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always! We are not promised tomorrow

~Whitney Alexander; a lover of God, life and knowledge; an accountant, a fashion designer, a part-time foodie, a resplendent tutor and a blogger/writer/storyteller in the hive family and loving every bit of it. Thanks for stopping by. Your comments and input are very much welcomed. xoxo~
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Walking,House Chores,Photowalking


I also prefer to leave some room for life's uncertainties whenever I'm making plans. I think we should expect that mistakes will happen and we indeed ought to be kind to ourselves, learn from it and keep moving forward.

So true, mistakes are inevitable so the best course of action is to learn from them using them as stepping stones to go higher. Thank you so much for your continuous support.🙏🏽

Right. I think we learn more from mistakes than getting it right in the first place.
You're most welcome and thanks for the contributions too, I appreciate it :)
