Three Tune Tuesday #191

in Music4 days ago (edited)


Greetings, Hiveans. A bit of oldies, a bit of modern names. This time my iphone produced a tracks transition that does not look monumental, but provided some names/titles that you may find unknown, and I'd be happy to educate you about.

The Doors - I looked at you

(from «the Doors» LP, 1967)

How many times I have thought: thats my favorite band of all time!.. definitely one of the things that make you love 70-es. Shuffle mode in iphone player is a good thing, but sometimes it builds transitions that are not enjoyable at all; you see - Doors tunes coming up in playlist, momentarily adjust you to the certain mood; you want to switch to one of their LPs, instead of listening to any other stuff that comes next. In this way, 'I looked at you' spoiled my playlist, haha.

What is absolutely great about song, it is lyrics, the story. It is a love song (arent there too many of such stuff?) and very simple one. In our crazy post-post-modern world, it reminds us of simple things, as simple as it sounds: I looked at you - you looked at me - I smiled at you - you smiled at me - I walked with you - you walked with me ... lets leave the end of the story to fantasy. Simplicity like this is unattainable today. Go listen to the Doors 1st LP immediately, and remember - those were the days...

Os Mutantes - El Justiciero

(from «Tecnicolor» LP, 1970)

What do we know about Brazil, sitting here on a chair? Not too much: Portuguese language, a major coffee exporter, dangerous mosquitoes, Carnaval do Brasil... but what about music? No certain name comes to mind. I will introduce you to 'Os Mutantes' now.

Fantastic psychedelic rock-band from the 60s, one of the great representatives of the 'tropicalia' style - can be compared with 'the Beatles', although of course the scale was smaller. The active phase of the group's existence did not last long, conflicts with the military authorities and drug problems led to the breakup of the group. It is a pity that we will never hear the ten studio albums that they could have recorded in that era, if the circumstances had been different.

Что мы знаем о Бразилии? А ну-ка, не сходя с места (не спрашивая у гугля)? португальский язык, крупный экспортер кофе, опасные москиты, Карнавал... а что насчет музыки? Мало что приходит в голову. Ну, с именем 'Os Mutantes' я вас сейчас познакомлю.

Фантастическая рок-банда из 60-es, ярчайший представитель 'tropicalia' - почти местные 'the Beatles', хотя масштаб конечно поменьше. Активная фаза существования продлилась семь лет, противостояние с властями привели к распаду группы. Никогда нам не узнать, какую пачку студийных альбомов они могли бы записать, сложись обстоятельства иначе. (Ещё.)

The Unsettlers - A Bell Hop's Lament

(from «Oil & Blood» LP, 2010)

This clip has as much as 4 Youtube likes only! it looks incredible but that's how it is and it's not because it's some kind of crap. I predict you never be getting this band in recommendations, which is pretty sadly. 'The Unsettlers' is was a great act from LA, they performed music in so called 'cabaret' genre. It's much cooler to hear their music live, in a small hall, than sitting in the office in front of the monitor doing your office duties and playing one of their albums as background. Their music contains a colossal charge of energy which is impossible to re-invest if you just sit on a chair. I never do this, but sometimes listen to their music during my walks around the city. The band released only two albums, alas - their rocket did not take off into the sky that high. (By the way, I already introduced you to their song 'Disco Junkie' in one of my previous #ttt posts).

In my opinion these are a rare exception to the overall rule 'They don't do it like that anymore! Lucky we. I hope you enjoyed today's music selection, and travelling around the globe without leaving the Hive. 😎 The post goes for Three Tune Tuesday challenge run by @ablaze. Previous issues: 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 118 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 131 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 146 | 147 | 148 | 149 | 151 | 152 | 154 | 156 | 157 | 165 | 167 | 168 | 170 | 171 | 172 | 188 | 189 | 190 | 191


All videos and music is copyrighted by the artists, not me!
My posts at worldmappin
Thanks for visiting my blog!

Three great tunes. You hit the trifecta :)

I love the Doors (my era). I'm a fan of Latin music, and the last one has great clarinet featured (I love the clarinet).

Thanks for sharing three enjoyable tunes. I actually listened to them.

Grazie! the Doors is everything for me.
Sometimes I do feel like music is your only friend, and people are strange. I was born and raised in a different epoch, time and place but feel connected anyway. Do we need an additional reason like #ttt to listen to this music? of course not! :)
Sending you Hive !PIZZA 😘


Интересная подборка, Бразильская группировка прям зашла!

Они хорошие. От них и Бирн с Кобейном в восторге были.

Оо даже так🤔👀 неожиданно


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