Greetings and happy 2025. Today is Monday, January 13, a new week begins, so I wish you health, prosperity and success. Today I am back to share with you another MUSICAL MONDAY, the wonderful musical initiative created by @eugelys, where we can share our memories and musical experiences.

The 80's were really special, I would say wonderful from many points of view; and I believe that humanity and the planet received a shot of cosmic energy that took creativity to its fullest, expanded it, made it grow a thousand percent, and this, obviously, was reflected in the music; Hence it is a decade full of great songs, great bands and great musicians.

A nivel personal, esta década me trae muchos recuerdos musicales, y uno de esos recuerdos se refiere a un cantante venezolano muy particular: GIORDANO DE MARZO, o como todos le conocemos YORDANO, un músico excelente y muy prolífico, quien no nació en Venezuela, sino en Roma, Italia, pero llegó muy pequeño al país y se convirtió en venezolano. El es hermano de Evio Di Marzo, el líder de la banda Adrenalina Caribe, de la cual ya he hecho un post que puedes leer aquí
On a personal level, this decade brings back many musical memories for me, and one of those memories refers to a very particular Venezuelan singer: GIORDANO DE MARZO, or as we all know him YORDANO, an excellent and very prolific musician. , who was not born in Venezuela, since he was born in Rome, Italy, but he arrived in the country very young and became Venezuelan. He is the brother of Evio Di Marzo, the leader of the band Adrenalina Caribe, about which I have already made a post that you can read here

I may not like all of Yordano's songs, but I do like many of them, especially the ones he recorded in the 80s. I don't like the ones he recorded later in the 90s as much, but I did enjoy many of his music, and I even went to one of his concerts, which I enjoyed very much. I was impressed by how tall and imposing he was, or rather, is, because he is still alive. When I went to that concert, which I think was in 1986, he was very athletic; however, I found it curious that someone who sang wonderfully was a stutterer, hence why he said very little at the presentation.

Today I want to share with you three songs from the same album, which was published by the company Sonografía in 1986, and it is the album “JUGANDO CONMIGO”, I think it is one of the best they made YORDANO, due to the lyrics, the music and the quality of the musicians who accompanied him. That said, let's see the songs from my MUSICAL MONDAY.

Mis canciones para este Musical Monday / My songs for this Musical Monday
My first song for this MUSICAL MONDAY is the beautiful “DIAS DE JUNIO”, which corresponds to groove number 2 of this production. I like everything about this song: YORDANO's voice, the lyrics, the music... everything is magical and even has a touch of irreverence, because basically the lyrics talk about a man who wants to conquer a woman, but he doesn't care that she already has a boyfriend. It is a very very very beautiful song, so here I leave the audio.

My next song is the one found in groove number 3 of the album “JUGANDO CONMIGO”, and it is the sad and melancholic, although beautiful “LEJOS”. I really like the melody, the music, and the lyrics, although sad and hopeless, are very poetic. Here I leave the audio, so you can appreciate this rare gem.

Y ya finalizando este bonito MUSICAL MONDAY, les traigo la canción número 7 de esta producción, la bonita “AQUÍ VIENE LA NOCHE OTRA VEZ”. Podría decirse que esta canción es de encuentros y desencuentros, y al igual que las otras melodías de YORDANO, es de una belleza única, distinta, muy especial. También les comparto el audio de esta hermosura.
And now at the end of this beautiful MUSICAL MONDAY, I bring you song number 7 of this production, the beautiful “AQUÍ VIENE LA NOCHE OTRA VEZ”. It could be said that this song is about encounters and disagreements, and like the other melodies of YORDANO, it has a unique, different, very special beauty. I also share the audio of this beauty.

Esta ha sido mi participación de esta semana para esta estupenda iniciativa de @eugelys, compartiendo con todos ustedes gratos e inolvidables recuerdos, de un cantante muy especial, como es YORDANO
This has been my participation this week for this wonderful initiative by @eugelys, sharing with all of you pleasant and unforgettable memories of a very special singer, such as YORDANO>

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