KISS PROMPT WEEK 100: Basic Necessities Are Very Important .

in The MINIMALISTlast year


Living simple is a beautiful lifestyle because it makes us to always align ourselves with the simplest of ways to navigate life and its challenges. But to some , its not that living simple is due to poverty or wretchedness. Others who also choose to live minimally may decide so to enable them build wealth for their wards up bringing and future investments.

There are things that are basic in life which is mandatory and things we must not over look because we choose to live simple. Basic necessities like food, clothing, shelter are very important. And for me, I take it too seriously to make sure that the pantry lacks no food especially at this present time that the Global Famine has hit and hike every commodity . In fact, the Government at this time has failed the country. Its too much and way overboard as they left the economy to totally collapse affecting the simplicity many has chosen

Shelter has tripped in price which we must continue to maintain because trying to bring yourself down to a lowest standard of living due to minimalist lifestyle might push one to relocate to non-healthy environment which certainly will cost one ill health and emotional well-being. Healthy environment contributes so much to good health which is why we strive and thrive to meet up with certain basic demands while living a simple lifestyle. I will rather not change my wardrobe to maintain a good accommodation situated at a very good location due to good health for my family and I.


Minimalist is only living a simple lifestyle which does not make someone the most wretched amongst many. Staying and living simple is a choice which one has choosing for his/her own benefits and which in long run could bring some greater rewards as pay back. Being a minimalist does not stop me from buying my monthly multivitamins no matter how expensive it becomes because its for good health and my wellness, which if I don’t take can hinder me in one way or another.

However, we should learn how not to overdo things because it can cause us trouble or put us into distress. The mind is so much at ease when trouble is far away. Live a simple lifestyle that is beautifying, emulating and one that can attract others. I am someone that likes fashion, but it must not cost 💲 me much to stay in # Vogue. And you can always hack it as a minimalist.

Thanks for reading friends. Lots of love ❤️

Photos are mine.



Thanks for sharing with us.
Have a great day:)

Always a pleasure. This community is teaching us everything more to live. Blessing.