in Photography Lovers6 months ago

Gray and orange skies between 6 and 7 pm. - Source: Personal Image

Hello everyone. I tell you that I am so enthusiastic about my photography practice, that every day I go out to hunt more and more interesting moments, because we must admit that everything that appears in front of the lens of our camera has its charm.

Does it also happen to you that every change in nature, every reflection of it, and its different ways of showing itself, turn out to be something wonderful? For the first time I am enjoying this from a different approach, admiring its beauty and the nuances that these changes offer us. Never before have I been so excited with the range offered by this chromatic circle of life.

Yesterday evening, I left at about 6 pm for my daily workout, and because I had enough time to not rush, I dedicated myself to photographing the colors of the sunset, and it is amazing to see how the range of blues leaves the sky to give way to three colors that in short, are the least mentioned when talking about the sky.

Hola a todos. Les cuento que estoy tan entusiasmada con mis prácticas de fotografía, que cada día salgo a cazar más y más momentos interesantes, porque hay que admitir que todo lo que se presenta frente al lente de nuestra cámara, tiene su encanto.

¿Les pasa también que cada cambio de la naturaleza, cada reflejo de la misma, y sus distintas maneras de mostrarse, resultan algo maravilloso? Por primera vez estoy disfrutando esto desde un enfoque distinto, admirar su belleza y los matices que nos ofrecen esos cambios. Nunca antes me había emocionado tanto con la gama que ofrece este círculo cromático de la vida.

Ayer en la tarde, salí más o menos a las 6 pm a mi entrenamiento diario, y por tener tiempo suficiente para no ir de prisa, me dediqué a fotografiar los colores del atardecer, y es increíble ver la manera cómo la gama de azules abandona el firmamento para dar paso a tres colores que en síntesis, son los menos mencionados a la hora de hablar del cielo.

Gray and orange skies between 6 and 7 pm. - Source: Personal Image

Gray and orange skies between 6 and 7 pm. - Source: Personal Image

Gray and orange skies between 6 and 7 pm. - Source: Personal Image

Gray and orange skies between 6 and 7 pm. - Source: Personal Image

Gray and orange skies between 6 and 7 pm. - Source: Personal Image

Gray and orange skies between 6 and 7 pm. - Source: Personal Image

Gray and orange skies between 6 and 7 pm. - Source: Personal Image

Gray and orange skies between 6 and 7 pm. - Source: Personal Image

Gray and orange skies between 6 and 7 pm. - Source: Personal Image

This sky was presented in gray, white and orange. Dark clouds were perceived with the desire to rain but that did not happen, they just passed by saying goodbye and covering that moment when the sun was hiding, it looked like fire behind a huge curtain of smoke.

The journey that I walked took me a little more than half an hour, it was almost dark, even so, some spectacular images were achieved. They were all taken without flash or lighting on the camera, only the little light offered by the sunset, that made the results more natural and impressive. Seeing the clouds face to face is not as striking as seeing them in the image, honestly, it looked like smoke and the glow of a flare behind it.

I'll call this practice, “Gray and orange sunset”, I couldn't title it otherwise, don't you think?

Este cielo se nos presentó en gris, blanco y naranja. Se percibían nubes oscuras con deseos de llover pero eso no sucedió, simplemente pasaron despidiéndose y por cubrir ese momento en que el sol se ocultaba, parecía fuego detrás de una inmensa cortina de humo.

El trayecto que caminé me llevó un poco más de media hora, ya casi estaba oscureciendo, aun así, se lograron unas imágenes espectaculares. Todas fueron tomadas sin flash ni iluminación en la cámara, sólo la poca luz que ofrecía el atardecer, eso hizo que los resultados fueran más naturales e impactantes. Ver las nubes frente a frente no resulta tan llamativo como verlas en la imagen, sinceramente, parecía humo y el resplandor de una llamarada detrás de él.

Llamaré a esta práctica, “Atardecer gris y naranja”, no podría titularlo de otra manera. ¿No creen?


Mi celular es un Redmi Note 13.

Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad (Derechos Reservados)

Las imágenes fueron tomadas en la Mesa de Guanipa, zona llanera del estado Anzoátegui, Venezuela.

Espero que hayan disfrutado este octavo set de fotografías. Feliz día.


My cell phone is a Redmi Note 13.

All images are my property (All rights reserved)

The images were taken in Mesa de Guanipa, Anzoátegui state, Venezuela.

I hope you enjoyed this eighth set of pictures. Happy day.


Las imágenes pertenecen a mi archivo personal // The images belongs to my personal archive
El traductor utilizado es: Deepl Translator // The translator used is: Deepl Translator
Separadores cortesía de eve66 // Dividers courtesy of eve66.

Contenido Original del Autor
Aplicaciones: Canva, PhotoScape, Instagram, Inshot y Pixiz.
Traducción: Deepl Traductor
Las imágenes personales son tomadas con un dispositivo móvil Android Redmi Note 13 de mi propiedad.
Las imágenes utilizadas en los banners, minibanners, gifs y separadores, son cortesía de Pixabay.
Derechos Reservados del Autor: @annafenix (2021 – 2024)

Original Author Content
Applications: Canva, PhotoScape, Instagram, Inshot and Pixiz.
Translation: Deepl Translator
Personal images are taken with an Android Redmi Note 13 mobile device owned by me.
Images used in banners, minibanners, gifs and separators, are courtesy of Pixabay.
© Copyright: @annafenix (2021 - 2024)


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Thanks!! 🌷

Congratulations on the jewel in your hands. The photographs are fabulous. I love the light of the sunset in the Venezuelan plains, dear, @annafenix, I love the light of the sunset in the Venezuelan plains’.
Anzoátegui state, Venezuela; it is a paradisiacal geographical space. It is savannah, Orinoco and Caribbean Sea.😃

Hello my dear friend
Thank you very much.
I read that recently in a post on a page from Tigray, that the sunsets of the Mesa de Guanipa were impressive because of the mixture or closeness between the plains, river and sea. And they were really right. Every afternoon it is enough to go out at that time and enjoy the spectacle. 🤗