Birthday studio photography

in Photography Lovers10 months ago

Today I'm going to share with you a photoshoot I did in my studio for the birthday of my friend.

She wanted some professional photos to celebrate her day, so we did it. She brought some beautiful decorations to the studio so that the photos would visually look birthday-themed. She was turning 17.

El dia de hoy les voy a compartir una sesion de fotografias que hice en mi estudio para una amiga que estaba de cumpleaños.

Ella queria unas fotografias profesionales para celebrar su dia asi que lo hicimos, ella trajo al estudio una bonita decoracion para que las fotos visualmente se vieran alusivas a cumpleaños, ella estaba cumpliendo 17 años.

I'm slowly getting the hang of studio photography and different types of lighting. I like taking birthday photos because with all the decorations the photos always turn out very cute and people always come to the studio super happy and with very good vibes.

Taking these photos with my friend was very easy because she is a model and already knew how to pose very well. Every photo I took was a success!

Ya poco a poco le voy agarrando el truco a las fotografias tipo estudio y a los tipos de iluminaciones, me gusta hacer fotografias de cumpleaños porque con toda la decoracion las fotos siempre quedan muy lindas y las personas siempre vienen super felices y con muy buenas vibras al estudio.

Hacer estas fotos con mi amiga fue muy facil porque ella es modelo y ya sabia posar muy bien, cada foto que tomaba era todo un exito!

We arranged the balloons in different ways to create variety in the photographs.

Fuimos ordenando los globos de distintas maneras para crear variedad en las fotografias.

And finally we took a couple of photos where she was sitting on the floor of all of them this was my favorite:

Y para finalizar hicimos un par de fotos donde ella estaba sentada en el piso pero de todas esta fue mi favorita:

In the end, both my friend and I were very happy with the results. I hope you like them as much as we do!

Thank you for watching!

Al final tanto mi amiga como yo quedamos super contentos con los resultados, espero que a ustedes les gusten tanto como a nosotros!

Gracias por ver!



Nice! She looks great and the light bouncing off the balloons is so satisfying. Was this before her birthday? Did you have the shots printed for her party?

This was just the same day of her birthady u.u

so no, i couldn't had the prints for her party

Gotcha! I think they turned out excellent though! I'm sure her social media loved it.

Yeah, I like the photos too.😊



The model featured in this photography has a pretty face and she has a sweet smile.

Yeahh i agree!