Rising Star Utils New Market and end of the year 10 million starbits giveaway!!! [Ends December 24]

in Rising Star Game3 months ago (edited)

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Good evening to all Rising Star players!

Today I want to share with you some news about Rising Star Utils and the developments I have been working on during November. In addition, I am announcing a special end of the year raffle as a thank you to all the users who have trusted us to hunt for the best NFT's offers from Rising Star.

How do I participate in the giveaway?

To participate in the 10 million Starbits giveaway, users must have used the page to purchase an NFT. We track the total amount each user spends, and if the amount exceeds 1,000,000 STARBITS, they will be eligible to participate. More than thirty users are eligible so far.
Additionally, as a way to recognize the users who have engaged with the platform the most, I’ve decided that the Top 5 members will have triple the chances of winning, with their names added three times to the draw. Currently, the Top 5 consists of:
Account Starbits Spends Swaphive Spends
@vassal 377482384 0.0000
@toqs1986 250043205 0.0000
@yonyonsson 85060470 8.0421
@ramon2024 61657587 0.0000
@clipman77 50391020 0.0000
The winners will be announced after December 24th, giving new users the chance to participate.
  • First Winner: 5,000,000 STARBITS
  • Second Winner: 3,000,000 STARBITS
  • Third Winner: 1,000,000 STARBITS
  • Fourth Winner: 500,000 STARBITS
  • Fifth Winner: 500,000 STARBITS

In this post I made the cover thanks to one of the new features of PeakD, which allows to use several artificial intelligence APIs for the generation of images, accessible by simply paying with HBD from our wallet. Although the result has been positive, I must point out that I spent more than 40 cents to get a satisfactory result (about 8 images).

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This is a logo test of the page I made with this function.

The new fully customized marketplace for Rising Star

Today I want to tell you about the main novelty of Rising Star Utils. In the last few days, I've been working on a fully customized marketplace for the Rising Star game. This marketplace will allow access to custom filters, such as searches by name, price per fan/skill/luck, general price, class, rarity (soon) and lesson type. Also included are the most commonly used tokens such as STARBITS, SWAP.HIVE, STARPRO, HUESO, LOYALTY AND SWAP.WAX.


Image taken from the website, it is possible that the market may undergo design changes.
To obtain more information about a card, you only need to hover the cursor over it, in which you can obtain information such as ID, owner, price, type, price per fan/skill/luck.


When you click on a card, the card is automatically added to the cart next to the search by name. In the cart you can see the total of STARBITS you will spend. In the future it will also add the total fans/skill/luck that will be obtained thanks to that purchase.


For the moment, that's all. Currently, only the option to buy NFT's is enabled. However, it is very likely that in the future I will implement the possibility to send letters to other users and list them in the marketplace. I also want to clarify that I am still working on a version optimized for mobile devices, so it is possible that the marketplace may not work properly on phones with low resolutions.

Thank you all for reading!

¡Buenas noches jugadores de Rising Star!

Hoy quiero compartirles novedades sobre Rising Star Utils y los avances en los que estuve trabajando durante noviembre. Además, les anuncio un sorteo especial de fin de año como agradecimiento a todos los usuarios que han confiado en nosotros para cazar las mejores ofertas de NFT´s de Rising Star.

¿Cómo participo en el sorteo?

Para participar en el sorteo de los 10 millones de Starbits, es necesario que el usuario haya utilizado la página para comprar algún NFT. Registramos el total de cuánto gasta cada usuario y, si el monto supera el 1.000.000 de STARBITS, será elegible para participar. Más de treinta usuarios son elegibles hasta el momento.
Además, como reconocimiento a los usuarios que más han utilizado la plataforma, he decidido que los miembros del Top 5 tengan el triple de posibilidades de ganar, añadiendo su nombre tres veces al sorteo. Actualmente, el Top 5 está conformado por:
Account Starbits Spends Swaphive Spends
@vassal 377482384 0.0000
@toqs1986 250043205 0.0000
@yonyonsson 85060470 8.0421
@ramon2024 61657587 0.0000
@clipman77 50391020 0.0000
Los ganadores serán dados después del 24 de diciembre, brindandole la posibilidad de ganar a nuevos usuarios.
  • Primer Ganador: 5.000.000 STARBITS
  • Segundo Ganador: 3.000.000 STARBITS
  • Tercer Ganador: 1.000.000 STARBITS
  • Cuarto Ganador: 500.000 STARBITS
  • Quinto Ganador: 500.000 STARBITS

En este post aproveché una de las nuevas funciones de PeakD, que permite utilizar varias API de inteligencia artificial para la generación de imágenes, accesibles simplemente pagando con HBD desde nuestra wallet. Aunque el resultado ha sido positivo, debo señalar que gasté más de 40 centavos de dólar para obtener un resultado satisfactorio (unas 8 imágenes).

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Esta es una prueba de logo de la página que hice con esta función.

El nuevo mercado completamente personalizado para Rising Star

Hoy quiero contarles sobre la principal novedad de Rising Star Utils. En los últimos días, he estado trabajando en un mercado completamente personalizado para el juego Rising Star. Este mercado permitirá acceder a filtros personalizados, como búsquedas por nombre, precio por fan/skill/luck, precio general, clase, rareza (soon) y tipo de lección. También se incluyen los tokens más usados como STARBITS, SWAP.HIVE, STARPRO, HUESO, LOYALTY Y SWAP.WAX.


Imagen tomada del sitio web, es posible que el mercado sufra cambios en el diseño.
Para obtener mas información sobre una carta, solo es necesario pasar el cursor por la misma, en la cuál podremos obtener información como el ID, el propietario, el precio, el type, el precio por fan/skill/luck.


Al hacer click sobre una carta, automaticamente la carta se agrega al carrito que esta a un lado del buscar por nombre. En el carrito se puede observar el total de STARBITS que gastaremos. En un futuro también se va a agregar el total de fans/skill/luck que se obtienen gracias a esa compra.


Por el momento, eso es todo. Actualmente, solo está habilitada la opción para comprar NFT's. Sin embargo, es muy probable que en el futuro implemente la posibilidad de enviar cartas a otros usuarios y listarlas en el mercado. También quiero aclarar que todavía estoy trabajando en una versión optimizada para dispositivos móviles, por lo que es posible que el mercado no funcione correctamente en teléfonos con resoluciones bajas.

¡Gracias a todos por leer!

Link to Rising Star Utils web


Others posts related:

Rising Star Utils - July Report: Montly Statitics, more changes and what is coming

We celebrate our first month of life! - Monthly Statitics, unique cards function and more!!!!

Rising Star Utils - August Report: Monthly Statitics, many new features and whats is coming!!!

Rising Star Utils - September Report: Monthly Statitics, Stats Cards, Optimization and more!




Thank you for all your work! And thank you for the contest! I love your site and I"m looking forward to trying out the marketplace!
Buskeria ID was cool too, what happened to that?

Thank you for all your work! And thank you for the contest! I love your site and I"m looking forward to trying out the marketplace!
Buskeria ID was cool too, what happened to that?

I thought people didn't use it, as I completely changed the design of the page, I haven't dedicated to rework the card.

Nice giveaway and RisingStarUtils always helps me with everyday purchases. Looking forward to the custom filters. Thank you.

I just need to continue my purchase with RisingStarUtils, right? I don't know whether I have already met the giveaway conditions or not. I just hope RisingStarUtils is always live without problems. 😂

3373341 STARBITS spends : )
you are eligible

Wow, nice to know. Thank you~

Where should you go in the room if you’re feeling cold?
The corner—they’re usually 90 degrees.

Credit: reddit
@mateodm03, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cursephantom



Hey @mateodm03, here is a little bit of BEER from @nupulse for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

nice one

Is there a plan to get the Uniques tab to work. That is one of my favorite functions to use as I build up my collection

Try to clear the cache and cookies. Then, log in with Hive Keychain. I have no problem here. Well, it needs to load around 30-40 seconds before I can use it. Good luck!

As @cursepanthom says, you must have some problems with cookies, try deleting them. It is also true that calculating your missing cards can take 20-30 seconds to load.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@cursephantom(1/10) tipped @mateodm03 (x2)

So you need to spend at least one million, with 30+ players already in to win at best 5?... That doesn't really sounds like a great deal to spend that amount just to partecipate, if you spent for your stuff OK, but not on purpose to be in

The ideal is to filter so that the winner is really only a Rising Star player. Actually any frequent player has spent more than one million starbits in at least two/three months.
