Hugh's Story, The Lesson in the Study

in Rising Star Game17 days ago

How are you today friends? I hope you are having a great day and drinking a nice cup of coffee to start the day off strong. Well, in my case right now I am drinking coffee while I write this, 😅 I am sure many of you are too. Well friends, today I have brought you a new story once again. Today I have dedicated it to the E100 Hugh card. As you can see in the image below, it is a very nice card and that is why I have chosen it for today. The story is about how his life changes because he is someone arrogant and has a big ego. I hope you like it. Let's get started.


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Ego is something that we all have inside, but we don't all show it in the same way. For many it is just a quality that they rarely show and for others it is something they cannot live without, that is, they need the ego to be able to be better than others all the time. In a certain way this arrogance of being better and superior than others is what drives them to continue in their careers and keep improving. Within a positive framework it may be something that helps that person in question but when it becomes negative it is a burden for everyone because it hurts you and those around you. This second way of manifesting the ego is used by our protagonist today Hugh. You see, he is a successful music producer. The truth is that he has reached very high at the top of music production. He has a good job at a record label, he is the director of mixing and sound.

He is the one who directs all the musical projects and receives the singers who want to record their songs in the studio. But he is not the absolute boss of the record company, he is just a good employee in a high position. His boss was actually Roy, a very upright man who always demanded perfection. Well, Hugh, being a very hard-working man with good knowledge in the field of music and the mix of the two, suited him well and that is how he got the job.

Well, it was right in this position that he developed all that toxic ego that he was now. Since he got the job because he got on well with his boss, he thought he was better than his fellow producers. And since he was now the head of his department, he thought he was better than everyone else and he was the one who had the final say. He had all his colleagues working constantly in a hostile environment. Even if they did things well, he always looked for something to criticize and say how he would have done it well. So he sent them back to do it many times. The truth is that this situation was a nuisance for the editing and mixing team. The guy was anything but pleasant.

But this way of being cost him dearly. They say that justice often comes late but it always comes, well I think that in his case this is perfectly true. For a long time he made fun of his colleagues with lower positions and only his point of view was valid, but it was time for him to pay for his actions.

Justice came in the form of a job. This job in question consisted of recording, editing and improving the song of a very well-known singer worldwide. So the reputation of the studio and Hugh's superiors would depend on how this job turned out. That is why they had a meeting with him to make it clear that he had to put in more effort than usual in this job. He accepted very willingly because he knew that if this job went well there would be salary increases and good work bonuses that translated into paid trips. The truth is that Hugh was very confident that this job would turn out very well because it was not the first time that he faced a difficult task in the studio, in fact that is why he has his position because he knows how to handle these situations. We already know the problem, he has changed a lot, his ego now blinds him and does not let him see clearly.

Well, after the singer recorded the song in the studio, she left the copies of the song for them to work on and thus collect a finished work, that is, she left all the editing work to the studio. Hugh, in his arrogance, began to take on roles that were not his responsibility, such as editing audio and mixing the sound. His colleagues who were experts in the field often advised him that what he was doing was very wrong, because the singer's voice no longer seemed real or resembled the original. But he did not listen to them. If he accepted their advice, he thought they would see him as inferior or that he could not handle the situation, so he did not listen to them.

The weeks of editing were long for the team fighting against Hugh to fix the job. On this occasion, Hugh's superior boss was on a trip so he had left him in charge, so he took advantage of this opportunity to increase his ego even more. What do you think will come out of all this? Well, yes, an imminent disaster. When the singer came to pick up the work, she saw that the copy of the song was so bad that she could barely recognize her own voice. She told them that she thought she was working with professionals, but she would soon see that they were retarded. After that, she left and posted a review on the studio's website. The result was a massive drop in the studio's reputation.

When Hugh's boss saw the mess he made he immediately called him to tell him that he was fired effective immediately. His coworkers were happy to finally get him off their hands, because of him they would all possibly lose their jobs now. Suddenly the ego he once had disappeared, the ego gave him everything and it also took it away. He is now sorry but it is too late. He now has the goal of starting over, but it is clear that the ego must not return. Maybe he will manage to start over but with the weight of his actions.

Well, my dear friends and colleagues at Rising Star, this has been my story for today. I hope you liked it. If so, as always, I invite you to leave me your opinions in the comments. See you in the next post, thank you very much for reading.

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