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RE: Why Can't Things Just Work?

in Rant, Complain, Talk10 months ago

Something must be in the air, cause I have been feeling a similar way. It feels like each simple task in my life finds a way to turn into 12 steps and a side quest these days LOL

It's cool that you're gonna start doing the selling thing! Hopefully the hurdles ease up, and you're able to feel like there's wiggle room to move forward. I know I say all the time, but I am perpetually impressed by all the stuff you manage to do. Even if you don't see progress, your friends do!

Just try not to burn yourself out homie, it's okay to take time to relax even when there are lots of things to be done. Sometimes I need to hear that, so figured I'd tell you in case you need to hear it too. 💚



Thanks I really appreciate that, and I think you're right, I should just roll with it and not get so worked up by the pressure.

I find it hard, because when I have time to do things I feel guilty if I don't manage to get anything done. I'm hoping to get some stuff sorted so that I have a place to work on things when I'm down in Aimee's. I'd like to even try out the model making, and see about doing a video of that to test the waters.

I'm looking forward to giving the selling a go, and for a reasonably small amount of start-up money, I've managed to pick up a decent amount of stock.

What I might do is clean the games up, take the pictures and have a folder of stuff ready to go when the stars alighn. At least that way I don't have to waste time.

 10 months ago Reveal Comment