Interesting find in the forest

in StemSocial2 months ago

Hello everyone, on this occasion I would like to share some interesting discoveries that I made while walking in the forest today, the sunny morning provided the perfect atmosphere to explore nature and my footsteps took me deeper into the forest which was full of magic, the sound of chirping birds, the sound of insects and the gentle rustle of the morning breeze make my exploration activities even more colorful.

in the middle of the journey I saw an old tree with its bark rough and very wrinkled, I am sure this tree is very old and it is a silent witness in this forest about everything that has happened so far, be it changes in the environment, comings and goings various species, for a moment I looked at the tree and felt the natural tranquility that it offered, sometimes I was too busy with my daily routine that I forgot to enjoy the tranquility provided by the universe, indirectly the tree seemed to teach me where I was must stand firm even though many things have changed in around me.

I didn't linger there, I continued my journey along a path that could only be passed on foot, it wasn't a problem at all and I did it happily.

In this exploration, the first thing I found was a beautiful marasmius mushroom growing on one of the rotting trees and this mushroom caught my attention because its color was quite striking.

The tree on which this fungus grows appears to have died long ago and is starting to disintegrate, and this is a unique way of nature working, even though the tree has lost most of its structural strength but new life is emerging on it.

marasmius mushroom

marasmius mushroom

marasmius mushroom

marasmius mushroom

marasmius mushroom

marasmius mushroom

marasmius mushroom

marasmius mushroom

marasmius mushroom

not far from where the marasmius mushroom grows, I saw something lying on the ground and it was pure white, it caught my attention, and actually I thought that what looked white was a mushroom, to avoid curiosity then I went closer to look for what it was. what I just saw, and to my surprise it turned out that this was a snail shell that had changed its color 100%, when the snails were alive their shells had a dark brown color and a black line pattern, but now all the basic colors have completely disappeared.

I also captured several photos of snail shells for you

after observing and taking several photos, I chose to take a break while enjoying a cigarette, this is a simple way to enjoy life in the middle of the forest, of course for comfort I have to look for a good seat, yes it can be made of dead wood and not completely rotten , I want to really be able to enjoy the extraordinary morning, every now and then a gust of wind comes, I blow cigarette smoke towards the sunlight, omg, that is something very beautiful for me today.

I have finished half a cigarette and I really enjoy the comfort and tranquility, around the dead wood that I use as a chair in the middle of the forest there are lots of dry leaves and small twigs piled up, so while enjoying the cigarette I try to pile up the leaves dry it with a small piece of wood, a few movements that I do another miracle appears, want to know what it is?

yeah under the dry leaves there were a pair of dead land snail shells as if they were hugging each other, this was very interesting and I didn't know the cause of their death because they were under the dry leaves, so I lifted them onto the wood where I sat and took some photos as a memory-memory.

Here is the land snail shell that I have immortalized for you ☺️

What do you think about my findings in the forest today? Is it interesting and worthy of your praise? yeah in my opinion walking in the forest is a fun activity to do, if you like adventure then the forest is a special place to explore, believe me the forest holds many surprises and wonders that are waiting for us to discover.

Forests are home for species and gardens for us to explore, thank you very much for reading my blog today, see you in the next post & beautiful day to you 🥰🥰🥰