There have been a lot of things that we know or have heard about our brain that isn't true. We have heard a lot of things about the brain and we take it very seriously because to us, the brain is our Central Processing Unit. It is responsible for Coordination, receiving information and sending information to other parts of the body to perform their required function.
The brain is a vital organ in the human body, responsible for controlling all the functions necessary for our survival as well as our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. A lot of people think that the bigger the brain, the more intelligent the organism is but this is wrong. The brain of any animal is determined by the body proportion of the animal. There are animals that have bigger brains compared to us humans but whose brains aren't as complex as ours. Bigger organisms than us like the bear have bigger brains than us but they aren't smarter than us but animals like Chimpanzee have small brains and they are quite smart. The language center in humans is very well developed than that of animals like cows, chimpanzee and so on.
Talking about intelligence, we humans are more intelligent than one another and ascertaining these things require different techniques. This is why IQ test isn't a perfect way to determine intelligence. While this test measures executive functions, verbal skill, reading skill, and other things that doesn't fully measure intelligence. The IQ test was developed in the 1900s and was used to identify which french student had cognitive delay so as to be able to help them with better resources. IQ tests can do well to show a person is smart but it shouldn't be used as a yardstick to measure intelligence.
That said, a lot of people believed that we have only been able to access 10% of our brain and movies like Lucy paint it like its true but in reality, it isn't true. We use all of our brain although we do not use all at every time but we use all of it. Using PET MRI, we can tell that we use all parts of our brain starting with the frontal lobe which is used for motor function, executive functioning, and language function, then the parietal lobe which is the sensory cortex, then the occipital lobe, which is the visual processing center, the temporal lobe which is responsible for language comprehension, and memory.
Another part of the brain is the brain stem which is responsible for activities like level of arousal, respiration, blood pressure, and heart rate. Also is the Cerebellum which is responsible for controlling motor functions and motor planning. So if different parts of the brain perform different function, then it is possible to use all parts of the brain to do simple tasks like reading aloud or making a phone call. In doing one task, you can be using multiple parts of the brain, so saying that we only use 10% of the brain is completely wrong.
Another misconception we have with the brain is that men have different brains compared to women. Although, the male brain is 10 percent larger than the female brain, one thing we should know is that either male or female, we all have the same type of brain. No one is superior to the other when it comes to brain composition. We all have the same brain, and our brains functions the same way. What we think of and how we relate to our outside world since childbirth helps in developing our brain and the connectivity of our neurons.
Understanding the truths about our brain helps dispel these common misconceptions. Our brain, a remarkable and intricate organ, plays a vital role in coordinating our body functions and shaping our intelligence, regardless of size or gender.

Hi, I am Tobi a writer, speaker, relationship blogger, and lover of good music. I love making friends and learning from people. If you want to hear me speak on relationships and general life issues, you can find my YouTube channel where you can watch any episode for free, please do not forget to subscribe, friends. I sincerely appreciate every love I get from here, Kindly do well to keep them coming.