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RE: An idea to improve Governance on Hive

in #hive5 days ago

Pure fantasy unfortunately. The whales aren't going to cut off their supply of money so to speak. Each day that passes the gap widens.
I am not sure there is vote apathy as such, just a realisation that if the whales want a proposal passed or blocked that is what happens.
The whole DHF thing is a farce and drain. But who benefits.. oh yeah the whales.
Fair play to them, they have their stake and are using it appropriately, wouldn't you do the same.
But decentralised hmmm we have the rich get richer problem where larger holders keep accumulating more wealth and power over time meaning we get more and more centralised everyday as those whales have more and more control.


There is an efficient gate keeping in place to make sure that the top spots stay there...

I love your sense of humour 🤣