Finding Fake Eggs

in #informationwar24 days ago

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I cracked the egg on the edge of the bowl – it felt every so  But I figured, eggs differ a bit.  No big deal.  I looked at the yolk but could see no little white “puff” near its surface, but figured that it might be underneath.  I added it to the bowl with the other egg, into the mix of cream and spices.  Still no white “puff.”  I broke the surface of the egg and the yolk ran easily to mix with the white, while the yolk from the first egg did not.

And then, the kicker.  I looked into the shell and saw no pocket of air held between a membrane and the shell.  Eggs always have a pocket of air!!!

Because I am so devastatingly poor, I could not afford to start over and went ahead and mixed it all up and created My morning omelet.  I did not notice any difference, and thought maybe I had just gotten a very weird egg.  But later in the day, I started to have the belly issues I was having every so often and thought…

Maybe I have been getting fake eggs for a while.

Not all of them, obviously, but some mixed into the dozen and a half I buy at a time.  It’s only been recently that these stomach issues have started…


The reason I was paying attention to the eggs, whether they had the white “puffs,” whether the yolk ran into the white, was because I watched a video a few weeks ago – wish I could find it again – that said They were putting out fake eggs.  It described what to look for.  And so I was looking.

Not that I believed the video initially, but I don’t put anything past the psychopaths in control, and it surely would not hurt to keep My eyes open.  Well, at this point, I have evidence to suggest that the video was correct.  That fake eggs are being slyly introduced.

I was very disappointed to find this in the eggs I spent so much on.  I may not be able to afford a place to live on My social “security.” but failing that, I do all I can to ensure that I am eating well.  My health is important.  The eggs I get are free-range, and at the higher end of the price scale.

I would think I would get quality eggs through and through, as promised.

I am writing this to alert You, dear reader, of what is going on out there.  If fake eggs are on the shelves, and from such a high end brand, what else are They feeding Us unEthically disguised as wholesome?


And to point out that We surely do have a problem:  moneyed psychopaths in control.

Perhaps You know that My work on Our planet is aimed at solving for that problem.  Aimed at taking away Their single tool to power, that tool that buys all They use – the things and the People.  That tool that creates massive poverty and many other ills.

That tool that buys the schools, publishing, media, research labs, medical industry, pharmaceutical industry, and People to teach the germ theory for a century and then use that indoctrination to create a demand for death jabs planet-wide.  To produce the illusion of a problem, manage the reaction, and demand the solution be embraced.


My work is to show how We can end the use of money.  How We can All live richly on Our planet, and how that is how it should be.  Because everyOne born upon Our planet has a share of its wealth, which the psychopaths put into “TRUSTS” (legal caps) and control as “TRUSTEES.”  “Own nothing, control everything.”  – John D. Rockefeller

Every One of Us is a multimillionaire.

For more on this heist of Our wealth upon Our planet please see the link below.

From now on, I plan to open My eggs in a separate bowl, and look for white “puffs,” check to see how easy it is to mix in the yolk, and check for air pockets.  And “eggs” that fail will be tossed.  Though I really cannot afford to be tossing eggs, if I want to maintain My health, perforce I must deal with this.

I hope You too will choose to keep an eye out for any ghastly thing They’re doing and let Us know!  And share this information with All You can!

As My regular readers know, I ask for no money as payment for My work for Humanity.  I ask for payment in shares.  Please, if You feel My work has value, share with ten or more People.  This will be the only way the information is spread.

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Links to My work for Humanity:

Trusts:  The Big Heist Against Humanity  (article):

Obsoleting Money  (article):

Even Taxes Are Not Certain  (article):

80% of Us Merely Move Money  (article):

Response to a Meme  (article):

Blueberry Blasphemy  (article):

Member Society of Ethical Sovereigns 1080p.png


Endia – A Short Story by Amaterasu Solar

Quite the Opposite – A Short Story for Change – by Amaterasu Solar

The Abundance Paradigm – A Novella by Amaterasu Solar

My father taught Me never to believe anything.  He told Me to place probabilities and adjust them as new data come along, asking the question, "Does that explain what I see?," when evaluating data.  He was an aerospace engineer, and worked with T Townsend Brown (see My featured vid on Odysee or YouToilet).  From a very early age I was concerned that the way I was told things worked, in terms of government and social affairs, did not explain what I saw.  So the first few decades I worked to determine WHY this was.

I wound up in banking, seeing the flow of things in the headquarters of a major bank in Los Angeles.  I became intimately familiar with the flow of money, and economics.  I asked the question, "Why do We use money?"

When the web arrived, My research capabilities flourished, and I learned much that explained what I saw, but the only explanations I found for why We use money started with trade and barter, which are still money in a direct form, and did not answer the WHY.  Then, I came upon the explanation that these were used because, with a finite amount of stuff, it was to ensure that We got Our "fair share" in a scarcity environment, in exchange for the work We added.

From this I realized the WHY.  We were accounting for Our energy input into things.  And that We needed to do this because the Human energy was scarce compared to what We needed to be produced (back then).

I also discovered that over half Our planet's wealth was "owned" by fewer than 100 Humans...

I was very interested in psychology, too.  And studied it deeply, being fascinated by psychopathy, focusing on that aberration, learning that They had discovered a gene that manifested Individuals who were incapable of love, compassion, caring, and empathy for Others – primary psychopaths.  Seeing that the wealth was so disproportionate, and that the families who "owned" it inbred, what would explain what I saw would be that They wanted to retain that psychopathic gene.  Given that the wealth could feed, clothe, house ALL of Us (and give Us freedom) abundantly and many times over, and yet None set forth to care for Humanity, I had to give probability approaching 100% that They are psychopaths, as that explains perfectly what I see, and answers My quest for why the way I was told things worked did not explain what I saw.

And I asked...  If I was a psychopath, with enough wealth to buy anything and anyOne I wanted to, and given that money = power (power over Others is something psychopaths seek), would I be motivated to create a false "reality" for the masses and thereby manipulate Them?  I think You can figure out what answer I came up with.  And would that explain what I see?  Absolutely.

Now, given that money is merely the accounting token used to account for Our Human energy, it would follow that free energy would threaten fully the accounting for Our energy.  If I was a psychopath, with enough money to buy sites like Wikipedia, the media, the education system, etc., would I do all I could to suppress and hide free energy?

And given I personally know that electrogravitics offers both gravity control and energy from the aether (the electromagnetic field that pervades the universe), and that it went into black projects, such efforts to hide and suppress would explain what I see completely.

So I am neither a "conspiracy theorist," nor am I a "conspiritard," but rather...  I am a conspiracy analyst.  And given this analysis, knowing that conspiracies are the NORM in history and that they didn't just stop some years back, I conclude that conspiracies abound.  That explains perfectly what I see.

Love always.



I get my eggs from free range chickens. The eggs are never washed with chemicals ad they do in the north, which eliminates an exterior cap they eggs have naturally that make them last longer.

I really need to build myself a chicken coop... And spade my cats.. sigh.. they kill everything I grow.

These are free-range eggs, according to the producer (Nellie's). But clearly, not all.

I need to find a home and preferably one where I can have chickens and such. Tired of being homeless in a concrete jungle. Haha!

Sue for false advertising lol.

That while egg scandal sounds to be the same as the bread having air gaps in it or drink bottles having a huge dip underneath. Same size same price but less product.

Seems they're infiltrating the market, trying to get Us off real food, I guess.