The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 8 – 2024 edition

in #informationwar3 months ago

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The Abundance Paradigm

by Amaterasu Solar

Foreword 2024

I wrote this novella in 2008, and have versions of it posted around the web.  I will post each chapter in a separate post, and link to previous chapters as I go.  There are 12 chapters to the book, and I may not post every day, so I don’t know how long it will be before We get to the end.

The first two chapters provide the setting for what things will look like in the future, and in the third, the diary of Amelia Ringer arrives to give offset.

I was much more naive back then, so do forgive the naiveté.  I also changed a few things from the original, but mostly left it alone.  See You at the end.

Chapter 8

Lee went off to check his email and Humanity.web, and look for information on the things that he liked best – things like what the latest was in personal protection tech to keep him safe while photographing Earth, Herself.  He loved to capture the beauty and poignancy of Our Planet, and gear that allowed him to do so, always protected from the wilder places, was of value to him.

He looked for what was new in camera gear, processing gadgets, other miscellaneous things, and whatever he was pursuing as a sideline break.

I went and did a quick email check myself, realizing that it had been quite some time since I had checked my email, so in my bliss I had been, and found three waiting for me.  One was from my favorite canvas maker showing the selection of canvases available for order, and two were from paint suppliers.  All three were computer generated.  And as I didn’t want anything at the moment – I could place an order for anything available if I wanted and it would be delivered with no exchange needed – I told the house to move these into their respective files, checked Humanity.web, and stood.  I strolled through my garden paradise in directed leisure on my way to work on Little Buddha and Companion.  The child and her cat both called me.


Thank goodness people didn’t bother you on the Web anymore as they did in the scarcity paradigm.  Always selling something…  People now took interest in one another personally, and never in contention because of money, so things like email – and most often, holophone – were used by the people one wants to deal with.  Sales calls were a thing of the past.  Spam was finally defeated!

The email anyone gets anymore is the mail they signed up for on the Web, as well as personal email; the option to cancel mailings from any list one signs up for is offered as a common courtesy.

The Web as a whole, flourished, thrived, blossomed.  Emergent support efforts sprang up, as Humans found that they could help, if help was sought – and the Human Hearted took pleasure from helping.  This emergence was evident even in the beginnings of the Web, with the development of Linux as a prime example of people willing to help and improve a product, working stigmergically, even though there was no monetary gain to be had.

Once the toil, the drudgery, the tedious, had been automated, and a year and a day had passed, the bounty began to flow.  The task was Herculean in effort.  Land ownership had to be addressed in anticipation of abundance, for example.

It was decided that everyone owned their domicile of the moment, since rent would go away anyway, and so would the need to stay put.  This gave everyone a place to live.  Those with no address could build something wherever they had been staying, if they could, and most got by.  And people came forth to help people who were struggling.  Everyone was working towards the future, for when the paradigm shift occurred on a large enough scale, when the tipping point was reached, the “Goldrush” was on.

When people understood that the Universe could supply all of us with all we might want, every one of us – and ethically, if we could do it, if we could bring it about, could any of us justify denying any Human Choice? – when people saw how this would benefit themselves, their children, the old and the young and the rich and the poor… They were motivated.

As for the Lizard Hearted, any who wanted to move off-planet were welcome to do so, and a number discreetly, and not so discreetly, took their leave of the Human Home.  Those who remained understood that rules had changed…  They now had the same power as every other individual, and would be arrested if they chose unethical behavior.

We, as Earth’s inheritors, intended to take control of the resources of our planet, with the goal being the abundance for all that we knew we could bring about, to the benefit of both sides, and if they were willing to work within the Laws, which were as fair and balanced as they might be, they too could live in this grace.

Thus the Alliance of Hearts began.


When We affected our freedom from the Lizard Hearted, offering their continued luxury in exchange for our own luxury, using our skills at building passive hives of earnest-to-serve ants, the ‘botties that serve us, to bring abundance forth, Amelia’s dream was realized.

Before that happened, though, there was a flood of truth, as many, responsible for sowing disinformation knowing it was disinformation, began to let the truth out.  In the mainstream the information flowed more slowly at first, but it poured forth as if a floodgate had opened on the Web.  Free energy and cures and antigrav and space travel and aliens emerged.  When the idea soaked in that there was a good possibility of being “toadie to no one,” as Amelia succinctly put it, the toadies let it all go.

The truth about the healthy foods, the sickness of genmod foods, the death that petro-“fertilized” fields eventually brings, the wholesomeness of cannabis seed and the curative properties of the cannabis flower, and many other aspects that were playing into the efforts of the Lizard Hearted to control, enslave and eradicate the Human Hearted, and to affect this through their money, began to be credited, rather than suppressed.  Though some of the Lizard Hearted attempted to keep up the deceit and suppression, the tide had turned with a vengeance.  Truth could no longer be twisted and hidden.

There were many who took up the torch, the least of which was not Stephen Stewart himself.  Media toadies cast off their toadiness and reported the truth of things that mattered in getting us from the paradigm shift to living the paradigm.  The Web was abuzz.  But it was Amelia’s vision and persistence that got us to the shift itself.


My painting was shaping up nicely.  The child was aglow with tenderness and love; the cat exuded a tolerance and acceptance of the innocent inexperience of the handling it was receiving.  I sat back and drank in the pleasure of a work, by my own hand, that was becoming what I wanted it to be.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was after 5:00 – I had asked my house to let me know when it was 5:30, but since it was a good point to break, I cancelled the request and sent the wardie instructions to create a gown for the evening, thinking a silk of yellow with white lace would be good.  I like to design my own, but there are many who develop relationships with those who love to dress others.

I let the house know that ’botties could clean my paints and brushes, and any spills and drips, as I left my studio and made my way to the bath to prepare for visitors.

Lee came into the bathroom as I was bathing, and slid into the waters with me.  He washed my back and then I washed his.  Together we dried and dressed.  The house had laid out the clothes we had requested, my yellow silk and Lee’s gray cotton djelebra, and we donned the garments.

We walked to the garden and sat near the J.D. on a bench of intricately wrought iron that stood amongst lilies.  We cuddled and kissed, awaiting the arrival of the gang.  Soon, Cara came through.  She was dressed in a short emerald-green velveteen dress, with her long legs sporting black leggings and sparkling-emerald boots.  A steel-gray Witness necklace, stark and smooth, perched around her neck.  She wore her raven black hair short, Egyptian style, with a line of bangs cutting across her Asian forehead.  Tattoos of birds and flowers covered her arms, and a nose ring in glittering diamond clung to her right nostril.  She was lovely, and I said so.

“Cara!  You look beautiful!  So good to see you!” I exclaimed as I embraced her with a hug.

Cara smiled widely as she pulled back to take me in.  “I love the color,” she said, with her eyes indicating the silken folds that fell, floor-length, around my body.  “I’m so glad you invited us!”  She turned to Lee and hugged him as well.

The Kid came through, tall and lanky, with red hair and freckles ablaze on his head, and a coal-black suit, so retro these days, enveloping his thin body.  He grinned, embracing me and Lee in turn.  “Hey, guys,” he said, never much for conversation.

And then Tim came though.  Tim’s sideline passion was body-building, and his defined muscles rippled underneath a mesh tank top, which hung over the top of the jeans he wore.  He too smiled and gave us each a bear hug.  “How are you guys doing?” he asked when the greetings were over.  And as we moved toward the terrace, we expressed our good health and enquired of theirs.


We reached the terrace, where the ’botties had set a table made entirely of crystal, with chairs to match, and a feast of fresh salmon cooked with lemon and dill, roasted potatoes with garlic, buttered asparagus, rice pilaf with almonds, hot and freshly baked bread, and a salad of crisp baby greens, tomatoes, feta, carrot shreds, and croutons with a raspberry/walnut vinaigrette.  A delicate white wine stood waiting and breathing.  The table was long and allowed us all to sit at one side to gaze out at the bay, the city, the bridge, the hills, the many small dots of houses still visible in the sunset light, and the space above the bay where the show would play.

“How lovely,” Cara cooed as she took in the spread, seating herself in the middle.  I sat to her right, with Lee on the end.  The Kid took Cara’s left and Tim sat at the other end.

We chatted a bit, through swallows of salad and salmon and the rest, discussing events that were upcoming.  The gang always knew about nearly every public fete and affair, and I appreciated the chance to use their knowledge to fill my Calendar.  After a while of discussing the happenings in the Universe at large, I brought up the diary Lee had found.

While a ’bottie was dispatched to bring the diary from where Lee and I had left it, Tim asked the usual question.  “The Amelia Ringer???”

“Yep.  And it’s awesome to see things from her perspective.  I mean, sure, the history has a record of the events, but very little about what went on in her head to pull us free of the scarcity paradigm.  And here is her diary, giving us just that.”  As if on cue, the ’bottie arrived, carrying the precious cargo.  I lifted the pile, arranged as before with the diary atop the brown plastic bag atop the zipper bag, and gently handed it to Cara who leaned over to share with The Kid and Tim.

Together they looked over the book, reading passages here and there, turning the pages delicately and commenting occasionally.

Cara finally turned to me.  “What an awesome find!  Will you be giving this to the Museum?”

I nodded.  “Absolutely – once we have read it all, of course.”  I cast a quick smile to include Lee.  Lee gently bumped his shoulder against mine, accepting the inclusion.

We finished the meal, talking about Amelia, with Lee and me giving bits of what we read so far to facilitate the discussion.  As the meal ended, I looked out to the scene before us and noted that the sunlight was gone and only the dusk of the sunset was left.  Houses around the bay began to be seen for the light they emitted rather than what they had reflected in the sunlight.  A glinting band defined the bay opposite us in the distance, with individual lights standing out closer by.  Maybe a million houses surrounded the stage of the bay.  And no doubt many more people stood on the shores and on balconies in anticipation, having come by J.D. or living here already.  Soon, when the last fingers of light had left the western horizon, the show would begin.

As the ’botties cleared and cleaned the table and tucked it back in the storage room it had come from, we moved to the sofas and lounges that I had had set up closer to the edge of the terrace.  We seated ourselves near the edge, listening to the distant crash of waves against the pylons of the bridge and the hints of the song the wind sang through the cables that held it in place ahead and below us.


And then, as full darkness descended, the first burst of brilliance lit the sky, reflected in fractal sparks in the surface of the bay.  It began with a clap of sound and blue brilliance, flowering larger outwards from the central point, each spark of which burst further into green, and then further broke into a fire of orange which rained down as a curtain of flame towards the receiving waters.  We gasped at the vision of light, artfully displayed across the sky.

The show started with traditional fireworks, with each more intriguing and lovely than the preceding, and we sat forward in our seats enthralled.  After half an hour of crafted gunpowder bursts, the Energy Works filled the skies, twisting and curling, bouncing, forming and disbursing.  It was the same technology that my fountain used, but on a much, much grander scale.  The light chased itself, drew glowing lace bridges across the bay that hovered and then melted, bursting upwards from the water in columns of blazing glory, as it touched the wind-roughened surface.  And more and then more.  It all was beautiful.

The traditional works returned, and the show alternated back and forth from chemical reaction to energy manipulation for the next three hours.  We exchanged awed comments on the artfulness of this display and the creative concept of that one.  The energy of excitement flowed around the bay in such strength that we all could feel it.

At the end, the traditional met the new, as the energy caught and played with the sparks burning brightly, sending them in unexpected patterns and to all points of the compass.  The finale brought all sparks with ribbons of light trailing like silk into center stage above the bay.  And then they flew apart, with the ribbons intertwined in a gigantic tree trunk from the waters to high in the sky, and taking the sparks outward in a multihued dome covering all the bay.  The energy streamers remained long after the sparks had spent their supply of fuel and had burned out.

We held our breath and then slowly began to breath, in sighs and appreciation for the treat we had witnessed.

“There will be much to describe in our blog,” Cara commented.  Tim and The Kid concurred.

“Indeed,” Tim responded while The Kid nodded.  “It just gets better and better every year.  Each year I think that it can’t get better…and then it does!”  He shook his head with amazement.

“Thanks, Izzy, for having us to share this with.” Cara turned her remark to me.

I smiled.  “Most welcome, Cara.  I enjoy your company and was so thrilled to find you and the gang were available to share it with us,” I replied.

Lee interjected, “Anyone up for a game – cards or maybe a video game?”

“Aw, honey,” Cara responded, “it’s been a very long day for me.  I don’t know about Kid and Tim, but I need to sleep.”  With this comment she issued a long yawn and stretch.

Lee looked at Tim and The Kid hopefully.  The Kid looked apologetic as he shook his head without comment, and Tim responded with, “Sorry, my man.  I have a meeting scheduled early in the morning and should be following Cara to bed.”

“Maybe we can schedule a game night soon,” I suggested.  “I would love to try out that new RPG by the Ghost Writers…what’s it called…?”

“Oh, you mean Kings of the Old World?” The Kid asked.


“That’s the one!” I confirmed.

“Sure,” Cara said, bringing up her Calendar.  We all looked at what she had available, consulting our own in the process.  “Oh, how about here?” she asked, pointing to a date a couple of weeks in the future.  “I have my spa treatment in the morning, but all afternoon is clear and I can stay late – nothing to do the next morning.”

As luck would have it, we all had the time free except The Kid.  “Well, next time,” he said softly with a petulant smile.  “You guys have fun then.”

We gathered ourselves up and headed towards the J.D.  With hugs and goodbyes, the gang went through the shimmering curtain, one by one, and then Lee and I were alone again.

“It is getting late,” he said, turning to me to put his arms around my waist.  “Shall we turn in?”

I nodded, stroking his cheek with my hand but saying nothing out loud.  We made our way towards the bedroom, stopping briefly to have our teeth cleaned by the bathroom ’bottie and to cast off our clothes, which were collected by another ’bottie to be taken and returned to the domain of probability in the wardie.

Lee and I slid into the soft indulgence of the silk sheets, wrapping ourselves in one another, to make love and then to sleep, with memories of the brilliant dance of light in the skies over San Francisco Bay weaving in and out of our heads.

Past Chapters:

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 1 (article):

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 2 (article):

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 5 (article):

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 4 (article):

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 6 (article):

The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 7 (article):

As My regular readers know, I ask for no money as payment for My work for Humanity.  I ask for payment in shares.  Please, if You feel My work has value, share with ten or more People.  This will be the only way the information is spread.

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Links to My work for Humanity:

The GentleOne’s Solution  (article):

Just Stop Consenting!  (article):

Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground  (article):

What in the World is Stigmergy?  (article):

On the Same Page  (article):

Who Do You Think Did This?  (article):

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Endia – A Short Story by Amaterasu Solar

Quite the Opposite – A Short Story for Change – by Amaterasu Solar

The Abundance Paradigm – A Novella by Amaterasu Solar

My father taught Me never to believe anything.  He told Me to place probabilities and adjust them as new data come along, asking the question, "Does that explain what I see?," when evaluating data.  He was an aerospace engineer, and worked with T Townsend Brown (see My featured vid on Odysee or YouToilet).  From a very early age I was concerned that the way I was told things worked, in terms of government and social affairs, did not explain what I saw.  So the first few decades I worked to determine WHY this was.

I wound up in banking, seeing the flow of things in the headquarters of a major bank in Los Angeles.  I became intimately familiar with the flow of money, and economics.  I asked the question, "Why do We use money?"

When the web arrived, My research capabilities flourished, and I learned much that explained what I saw, but the only explanations I found for why We use money started with trade and barter, which are still money in a direct form, and did not answer the WHY.  Then, I came upon the explanation that these were used because, with a finite amount of stuff, it was to ensure that We got Our "fair share" in a scarcity environment, in exchange for the work We added.

From this I realized the WHY.  We were accounting for Our energy input into things.  And that We needed to do this because the Human energy was scarce compared to what We needed to be produced (back then).

I also discovered that over half Our planet's wealth was "owned" by fewer than 100 Humans...

I was very interested in psychology, too.  And studied it deeply, being fascinated by psychopathy, focusing on that aberration, learning that They had discovered a gene that manifested Individuals who were incapable of love, compassion, caring, and empathy for Others – primary psychopaths.  Seeing that the wealth was so disproportionate, and that the families who "owned" it inbred, what would explain what I saw would be that They wanted to retain that psychopathic gene.  Given that the wealth could feed, clothe, house ALL of Us (and give Us freedom) abundantly and many times over, and yet None set forth to care for Humanity, I had to give probability approaching 100% that They are psychopaths, as that explains perfectly what I see, and answers My quest for why the way I was told things worked did not explain what I saw.

And I asked...  If I was a psychopath, with enough wealth to buy anything and anyOne I wanted to, and given that money = power (power over Others is something psychopaths seek), would I be motivated to create a false "reality" for the masses and thereby manipulate Them?  I think You can figure out what answer I came up with.  And would that explain what I see?  Absolutely.

Now, given that money is merely the accounting token used to account for Our Human energy, it would follow that free energy would threaten fully the accounting for Our energy.  If I was a psychopath, with enough money to buy sites like Wikipedia, the media, the education system, etc., would I do all I could to suppress and hide free energy?

And given I personally know that electrogravitics offers both gravity control and energy from the aether (the electromagnetic field that pervades the universe), and that it went into black projects, such efforts to hide and suppress would explain what I see completely.

So I am neither a "conspiracy theorist," nor am I a "conspiritard," but rather...  I am a conspiracy analyst.  And given this analysis, knowing that conspiracies are the NORM in history and that they didn't just stop some years back, I conclude that conspiracies abound.  That explains perfectly what I see.

Love always.