It’s @ashleesart here! Gene said I should post here on our joint account with more of a following but please follow @ashleesart where I’ll be posting from more often going forward.
I’m picking tunes from a little known 2010’s pop punky band called “We Are The In Crowd” band has a front women singer and put out 3 albums from 2009 - 2014. Me and @geneeverett actually saw them live once in NYC. I’ll pick two songs from the last album 2014’s “Weird Kids” and two from 2011’s “Best Intentions” including an acoustic bonus track as my bonus pick.
Reflections (2014) 👇
The Best Thing (That Never Happened) (2014) 👇
This Isn't Goodbye, It's BRB (2011) 👇
Rumor Mill (Acoustic) (2011) 👇