My First Level 7 Gold Froggie! MOAR Power!

in #pepelast month

I've been pretty stuck on the PEPE game, specifically I can't seem to get past the "Speed and Attack for the Win" quest.

I win on the third quest, but always loose on the fourth. I'm hoping I can upgrade a super card to get unstuck, at least for a while.

Vain Attempts to Making a Deal

I've been logging in almost daily and earning some VOLT. Every time I get 500 VOLT I purchase another pack hoping for a gold (level 3) blue froggy. They're not super rare, but rare enough that my occasional pack isn't producing.

A fellow-player made a whole bunch of pack purchases and he mentioned his gold card scores. I asked in the comments if he'd be willing to sell one to me.

I made a deal to purchase it or $0.50 HBD and he listed them on the market for 100 VOLT. I sent the cash and made the purchase... now my dream-card can become a reality!

Let's do this! I upgrade all the specs to maximize as much as I can and here's what I get:

Getting my attack up to 17, my speed up to 12 and a "healthy" amount of health at 23, along with some respectable armor... this card may be enough to get me unstuck!

Let's give it a try. Here's my dream team:

My opponent:

We battle it out... if I win this would be the first time ever.

Whoo hoo! Officially unstuck! Now on to the next level. The journey continues!


Wow lvl 7 gold foil magic, that's super strong!!
My strongest is a RF lvl 6 common.


Nice card! That's a winner! !BBH

This is great! Interesting and awesome that you can win with common cards as well. Although having to Level them up. Love to analyze such moar in depth as we seek to improve and balance the game as well. Best in your continued playing and quests man!

Getting past level 6 is entering into a whole new realm of froggy fighting. So close to completing the quest! !BBH

What a strong card. My best card is a level 1 GF Epic archer. I'm still buying packs hoping to get a strong magician.