I was very well known for noise making back then in school days and I was beaten severely for this. I can’t count the number of times that have been tortured by miss me to use that word or beaten to the point of no return because I just can’t be quiet every time I’m in class.

I’m the one that I always want to disturb everyone every time that I’m in class, and the one who alwayss. I want to make sure everyone laugh and have a very good laugh.
Throw a punch, bully people, talk to anyone that can actually cause a distraction to the class. The teachers. They don’t like this kind of a thing at all and many of them ends up hating me for who I am.
I grew up. Seeing that as a cruise, something to live with, I don’t know if to call it a narcissist behavior because as years goes by that character wants to fall under bullying and narcissism. But I don’t want to believe that because I haven’t. Have anyone actually come to tell me that as a person that I’m a narcissist then?
Many of my friends that we knew each other back in the school days and we later met years later always are happy to see me again and find me to be fun to stay with an interesting. I don’t bring people down, I always crack harmless jokes. I think maybe that’s what makes me different from being a narcissist or. Would you do then when I threw your words as one or two people? I don’t know what to call that presently now, but it’s still not bullying.
I don’t insult anybody going personal with them or bringing their families or their parental home into discussion. No, I just talk and we all make just some fun and we move on.