blkchn rebloggedzirochka in #hive-186239 • 3 months agoKrakow and Its Faces 2.0Well, after more than 3 weeks' break, I've been thinking about where to start. I think that the continuation of my theme of various characters I met in the streets of Krakow…blkchn rebloggedmein-senf-dazu in #hive-167922 • 5 months agoHPUD - Should i or not?EN (DE unten) Hello dear community, In the last many months, indeed years, I have not asked myself whether I should use my Hive for a powerup or not. But recently there has…blkchn rebloggedmein-senf-dazu in #hive-167922 • 5 months ago22386 self-votes from 2335 accounts in September 24 - 22386 Selfvotes von 2335 Accounts im September 24EN (DE unten) Hello dear community, I have once again taken a look at the HiveSql database and had some data and figures output. I did this because of the [post](blkchn rebloggedzirochka in #mywartimediary • 9 months agoThe other side of MoonMay the majority of my posts not mislead you. "Travels, photography, and a little bit of everything" . I try to stick to these topics. Most peblkchn rebloggedmein-senf-dazu in #hive-121566 • 10 months agoHivewatcher should take care of that! - Darum sollte sich Hivewatcher kümmern!EN (DE unten) Hello dear community, Here is a task that @hivewatcher should take care of. The account sepa666 has somehow managed to get hold of the keys of probably many…blkchn rebloggedmein-senf-dazu in #hive-167922 • 10 months agoInstead of answers two Ignore - Statt Antworten zwei IgnoreEN (DE unten) Hello dear Hivewatcher Proposal Voter (and of course hello dear community,) I would like to know why you think that 290 HBD for @hivewatcher is justified.…blkchn rebloggedmiketr in #deutsch • 10 months agoMeine Meinungzu Nun muss ich auch mal @mein-senf-dazu geben! lieber @stayoutoftherz Du hast natürlich Recht mit Flut an Glücks- und Gewblkchn rebloggedmein-senf-dazu in #hive-167922 • 10 months agoAnswer and questions for Hivewatcher - Antwort und Fragen an HivewatcherEN (DE unten) Hello dear Hivewatcher, I would like to reply to your answer in a separate post so that it doesn't get lost and perhaps others can also give their opinion. I…blkchn rebloggedkryptodenno in #hive-121566 • 10 months agoEine Ära geht zu Ende / An era comes to an end :-((Bild: pixabay) Hi ihr Lieben, einigen von Euch ist bestimmt aufgefallen, dass meine Beiträge seit einiger Zeit geflaggt werden. Irgendwie ist es mir nach über 1300 Ausgaben "Mich gelüstet..