PostsCommentsewkaw in # • 14 hours agoRE: Seven months old seedlingsWow! They look amazing and so healthy. Hope I have some left reaching this stage after I manage to kill most :P Beautiful collection! What substrate mix do you use for them?ewkaw in # • 14 hours agoRE: Surrounded by water Wojnowice castlehahaha puddle 😂 That's pretty accurate thing to describe it!ewkaw in # • 14 hours agoRE: One, two, three... testingAwesome, thank you!ewkaw in # • 14 hours agoRE: FungiFriday - It is better with brosThank you!ewkaw in # • 14 hours agoRE: FungiFriday - It is better with brosHope you find the time. They are a really great object to shoot.ewkaw in # • 14 hours agoRE: FungiFriday - It is better with brosThey do have very nice colour too :) But the light ones are still my fav.ewkaw in # • 14 hours agoRE: FungiFriday - It is better with brosThank you!ewkaw in # • 14 hours agoRE: FungiFriday - It is better with brosOh I would hate to see them on my lens too! They better stay in the woods :)ewkaw in # • 14 hours agoRE: FungiFriday - It is better with brosThanks a lot :)ewkaw in # • 14 hours agoRE: FungiFriday - It is better with brosThank you!ewkaw in # • 14 hours agoRE: FungiFriday - It is better with brosI don't even know if they are edible. But yes... very juicy! :Dewkaw in # • 14 hours agoRE: FungiFriday - It is better with brosI did find a few, but not as much as I was hoping to find :pewkaw in # • 3 days agoRE: Seven months old seedlingsNice!! How old are these? :Dewkaw in # • 3 days agoRE: Surrounded by water Wojnowice castleThat's ok :)ewkaw in # • 3 days agoRE: Seven months old seedlingsAstrophytum is waiting to be sown. I got two types: myriostigma and asterias hybrid. Cant wait to see the little fellas form :) Do you sow the seeds you get?ewkaw in # • 3 days agoRE: Seven months old seedlingsYou should :D Show us what you got when you do.ewkaw in # • 3 days agoRE: Surrounded by water Wojnowice castleI dont see any other pins from that place. You don't remember who it was I'd love to see it too :)ewkaw in # • 3 days agoRE: Surrounded by water Wojnowice castleI am sure many families love to spend weekends there :)ewkaw in # • 3 days agoRE: Surrounded by water Wojnowice castleIt was really nice and refreshing that day. Perfect day for a trip.ewkaw in # • 3 days agoRE: Surrounded by water Wojnowice castle:)