ewkaw in #hive-181964 • 7 hours agoSpring is here!They are always first! And they scream "Yo, spring is here!" :) The tiny, little snowdrops . . I wanted to take some photos of the Furry Diva, but she was just lazing all dayewkaw in #hive-181964 • 10 days agoAll the little things aroundThis was a completely unknown part of the forest for me. A curiosity to check if there were any mushrooms there won, but it wasn't as good as I was hewkaw in #hive-183841 • 12 days agoMore mammillarias in bloom - the pink trio.About three months ago I was posting about blooming mammillarias . Andewkaw in #hive-181964 • 2 months agoWhen autumn feels like springOn the way to the magic forest where all the cool mushrooms grow I pass a few fiewkaw in #hive-151327 • 2 months agoFungiFriday - All together now.Finding a nice mushroom proudly sticking its hat above the mosses is always fun. But finding a few different types growing next to each other is evenewkaw in #hive-142159 • 3 months agoBring me luckIn some European countries it is believed that ferns protect us from evil. For others it symbolizes rebirth. And I have no idea where I got it from,ewkaw in #hive-113748 • 3 months agoDecember blooms and the return of a furry assistantI wanted to wait a little longer for another orchid to open, but it might take a few weeks, and by that time some of these would be gone. So sewkaw in #hive-187635 • 3 months agoNew generationI grew up in the countryside, and we always had cats. One or more, but there was always a tabby or black one around. They are fed and have a place toewkaw in #hive-142159 • 3 months agoExotic facesThere is a time that arriving at a place too early is a good thing. A very good thing! The closed door with a strict timetable makes you walkewkaw in #hive-183841 • 3 months agoPoor, confused mammillariasIt is almost December. Cacti should go to sleep by now, but they don't, because it is a bit too warm for them. And so today, when I was sipewkaw in #hive-181964 • 3 months agoDecayingI absolutely adore hydrangeas! The huge, fluff clusters of tiny, delicate flowers. They can grow to quite large bushes with dark leaves and loewkaw in #hive-181964 • 4 months agoHorses and websShooting against the light can be so much fun! And give pretty interesting results. Usually I do that when I want to catch some nice silhouettes. Noewkaw in #hive-183841 • 4 months agoThe blue potI am a tiny bit (as if) late with this post. I had photos taken a few months ago when the blooms were all open and looking beautiful. Today not even steewkaw in #hive-151327 • 4 months agoFungiFriday - delicious shrooms and decaying wood.Autumn forests have this charm that I cannot resist. And it's not just the mushrooms that I love to pick and shoot, but everything else too. The fresh,ewkaw in #hive-181964 • 4 months agoAutumn with Black horehoundThey are not afraid of colder air and shorter, autumn days. They will still bloom wherever they can, enjoying whatever is left before the winter frost kiewkaw in #hive-181964 • 6 months agoWhen nature takes overA pile of rubble that was left alone on the side of our orchard slowly disappears. We planted some trees there - pines, birches, and a willow tree long