sisjane in #hive-182074 • 8 hours agoWhat Makes A True Disciple Of Jesus Christ. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.Discipleship entails following. A disciple is a follower. A disciple listens to his teacher and follows his teachings. We are the disciples of Jesus Christ if we follow His…sisjane in #hive-182074 • yesterdayWhy Do Well Educated People Not Understand The Bible? MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.The well educated people do not see any wisdom in the things that concern God. They look at the things of God as foolishness. To them, those who are serving God are doing so out…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 3 days agoDealing With Depressed Teens. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.We have a responsibility as parents to train our children in the way of the Lord. The Bible says that we should teach them in the way they should go. The way which is right for…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 3 days agoObedience To The Will Of God. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW We have to obey the will of God. We have to submit ourselves to do the will of God. We must accept the commandments of God and obey them. We are the creatures of God. We do not…sisjane in #hive-179017 • 3 days agoIt's Has Been The Lord On Our Side. Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 363Hello people! We are just winding up our day in Nigeria and I want to be grateful to God for the success of today’s engagement. Do you know that it is of the Lord’s mercy that…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 4 days agoKeeping The Family Together. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.Living together as a family is such a fun. I could remember the experience when we were growing up among my siblings. We happily play together and do house chores together. A…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 5 days agoWhat Makes A True Disciple 2. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW We all are the disciples of Jesus Christ. We are his disciples if we have accepted his doctrines and follow them. We are his if we follow his voice like the sheep follows the…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 6 days agoWhat Makes A True Disciple Of Jesus Christ. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.A true disciple is a true follower. A follower is someone who follows instructions and teachings of a master. When we follow the teachings of the church which the Lord Jesus…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 7 days agoForgiveness Of Sin. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.The Bible teaches us to forgive those who sin against us. We are to obey this doctrine of the church. Without forgiving others, we ourselves will not be forgiven by God. Jesus…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 9 days agoSolution To Hardship And Suffering. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.God does not afflict us without a cause. He is a just God, so He won't afflict anyone and He doesn't affect anyone without a cause. There are those who take pleasure in…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 9 days agoKeeping The Family Together. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.The way of the Lord is for our families to live within the limits of the Bible. We should teach our family the way of God. We should teach our children the ways of God. The…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 10 days agoHow To Overcome Hardship And Suffering. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.Hardship and suffering come from tribulations. There are many tribulations in the world. Jesus Christ, our Lord told us that there will be tribulations in this world. We must not…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 11 days agoDoes God Listen To Idol Worshippers. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.God does not listen to those who worship idols. There is no portion of God with idols. There is no part of righteousness with unrighteousness. God is not equal with idols. God…sisjane rebloggeduyoho in #hive-182074 • 12 days agoWhat Makes A True Disciple Of Jesus Christ. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.Bro Eli Soriano explained to us that it is the teachings that make a disciple. So, in being a disciple of Jesus Christ, we have to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. A…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 12 days agoIdeology 3. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.We have been told that ideology is a system of beliefs that influence the way a group of people live and act. Ideology is built from human philosophy. These philosophies…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 12 days agoIdeology 2. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.The power of God is the basis of our believe as christians. We are not basing our beliefs on the ideologies of men. We are not following deceitful sayings. We are not believing…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 13 days agoHow To Overcome Addiction. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.The problem of addiction comes from our fleshly desires and worldly pleasures. The pleasures of our flesh makes us to get addicted to these substances which are harmful to the…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 14 days agoMCGI Mass Indoctrination Day 11. Source In the church of God, we give contributions. The contributions that we give is what will be used in the work of the gospel. The chusisjane in #hive-182074 • 14 days agoWhy Do People Die. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.Our death tells us something very important. That is the fact that judgement is coming. Judgement is inevitable. After death men will face judgement. We should be prepared in our…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 15 days agoDealing Depressed Teens. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.The Bible has laid down guidelines on how certain issues would be handled. There are God's given principles in attending to issues like this. In the christian fold, God is…