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RE: Eine Ära geht zu Ende / An era comes to an end :-(

in Deutsch D-A-CH10 months ago (edited)

Das ist schlimm, echt schlimm!
Ich verstehe die @hivewatcher zum Teil und kann es bei vielen nachvollziehen, allerdings bremst es auch die Entwicklung bei Hive.
So, kannst du es nicht Social-Media nennen.


These accounts do not develop anything except farming the pool and spamming with cookie-cut posts automated by bots. The "prizes" given away are worth 5-10% of what they farm with these posts.
The accounts were run by bots and were farming curations + self voting with alter accounts, while their automated giveaways posts have been giving next to worthless prices. Like packs of cards or "scrap" worth less than $1, while farming between $6-$15 per post (depending on the farming account).
The users were given a suggestion of starting creating original content or declining rewards on these spam giveaway posts but they refused the suggestion as they seemed to see no sense in using Hive if they cannot continue with these farms.

 10 months ago Reveal Comment
 10 months ago Reveal Comment