Battles with only 12 mana are one of the most difficult to think about how to win but the BLAST battle rule can make it more difficult since you must think about how to win using this battle rule without it affecting much the cards used or that they resist enough for them to contribute something to the battle.
RULESET: Explosive Weaponry
All units gain the Blast ability.
Additional damage is equivalent to main damage divided by 2, rounded up.
Include a unit with Reflection Shield in your lineup to absorb blast damage and protect your back line.

My Battle

In addition to the BLAST battle rule, it does damage to the card next to the attacked card equal to half the damage done rounded up, helping to eliminate my opponent faster and he can also eliminate me faster.
The LITLE LEAGUE battle rule that only allows us to use cards with a MANA cost of 4 or less, which limits us quite a bit, although having only 12 mana available to make the alignment this battle rule will not affect as much.
The ARMORED UP battle rule gives all cards +2 shield which makes it more difficult to eliminate them if using only melee or ranged cards.
As I said, we only have 12 mana available to be used, so we must think very carefully about which cards to use, although it will not affect us as much by only being able to use, as I said, cards with 4 or less mana.
At least we have no restriction on the alignments we can use since they are available to make FIRE, DEATH, LIFE, WATER AND FOREST alignments in addition to DRAGON alignments.
This is also a challenge because there are more different strategies that the opponent can use to take into account, so if we do not get the right one and the opponent chooses one that is advantageous over ours, we could be at a great disadvantage.
My Team

This summoner will serve to damage the cards with magic attack that my opponent could use so that he is not affected by the extra shield that the battle rule gives and thus he would be at a disadvantage since he would be damaged twice his magic attack cards once. for its attack and another for the BLAST damage, having the chance to eliminate them faster.

This card will contribute a lot to my victory since its HEAL ability makes it regenerate, giving it more resistance and a better chance of surviving. Additionally, its speed of 4 makes it easier to dodge any attack and always hit its attack, which although it is only 1 damage is something to achieve victory step by step while his regeneration ability keeps him standing, which is more possible with so little mana available and fewer cards possibly attacking him than this card.

This card will protect the second line card from BLAST damage, so it is only set to be sacrificed to keep at least a second card attacking my enem

I also placed it there so that it resists BLAST damage so my NATTERING RAM and my XENITH MONK will be strengthened by its MARTYR ability, thus allowing me to eliminate my opponent faster helped with BLAST damage.

This card with its OPPORTUNITY ability could attack a card that is neither the first nor the last of my enemy, thus allowing it to do more damage by BLAST to cards that are on both sides of the attacked card in this way it could eliminate faster to my enemy.
RONDA 1 and 2
In this first turn it begins with the attack of my XENITH MONK and my NATTERING RAM on his CHAOS AGENT they hit his shield and between the two of them they eliminate, it and they do 1 damage each through the **BLAST **ability to his FUNGUS FLINGER also to his shield and they take it away.
My VENARI MARKSRAT eliminates his CHAOS AGENT and leaves his FUNGUS FLINGER at 1 health.
My opponent only manages to attack with his MADCAP MAGUS and hits my VENARI MARKSRAT leaving it at 1 life, however he manages to eliminate two of my cards, my CORPSE FIEND and my NATTERING RAM, however, the ability of MAGIC REFLECT makes his MADCAP MAGUS dies even when it increases by +1 life due to its LIFE LEECH ability.
Thus my opponent is left alone with his FUNGUS FLINGER which is eliminated by my XENITH MONK in the next turn so I beat my opponent in just 2 turns.
In this battle the key was the summoner OWSTER ROTWELL that with the MAGIC REFLECT ability allowed me to eliminate his MADCAP MAGUS after my other cards contributed to eliminating my opponent and the BLAST ability that benefited me and contributed to the victory,
In addition, the HEAL ability of my XENITH MONK was a life insurance to resist and my opponent chose cards with very little life, which facilitated my victory.