alfrin rebloggedhive-br in #hive-127515 • 8 days agoProposta #17 - Hive-BR Photo ContestProposta nº 17 Sugerida por @xlety, texto original abaixo conforme escrito pelo usuário no canal de proposta do Discord da Comunidade HiveBR: Objetivo Promover a…alfrin rebloggedhive-br in #hive-127515 • 8 days agoErroErro Posted Using INLEOalfrin rebloggedhive-br in #hive-127515 • 7 days agoHBR Token News 03-2025A Comunidade HIVE-BR saúda a todos e sente-se honrada em ter você como leitor! Nossa comunidade cresce a cada dia e seu apoio é muito importante para nós! Considere: Delegar HP para nosalfrin in #hive-131609 • 4 days agoLove The Clouds Community The director of the sky made of clouds / El director del cielo hecho de nubesENGLISH VERSION In Venezuela, one of the programs that has changed the most lives and in the midst of the whirlwind of bad press that Venezuelans havalfrin in #hive-179017 • 4 days agoReflection Hunters Contest the reflection of wonder / el reflejo del asombroENGLISH VERSION The lion is a majestic and powerful animal, which dominates the top of the food chain of the African savannah. It is in zoos that city dwellers can be close talfrin rebloggeduntilwelearn in #hive-190931 • 8 days agoPhone Photography Contest - 50🙏 Namaste to all Phone Photography lovers! Please read the entire post carefully and follow all the rules.🙏 The 49th edition of the phone photographyalfrin rebloggeddigi-me in #hive-184784 • 7 days agoCCC's Street Art Contest #238 | 🎁 : 100% Liquid Payout and Ecency points as Prize Pool & Winners of #237Happy hello everyone and welcome!😃😃 With 9 participants here are the winners of edition 237 and congratulations to all.🔥🚀 And thank you very much for joining everyone, and welcome to the next editalfrin in #hive-179017 • 7 days agoShadow Hunters SMASh Contest smile and a beautiful shadow profile / sonrisa y un bello perfil de la sombraENGLISH VERSION Children are the joy of a home, it is the great and wonderful force that drives us to continue and if we are depressed we see them, oalfrin rebloggedolgavita in #hive-179017 • 7 days agoReflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 209 🎺 Announcement 🎺!Round 208 is now closed . Winners will be announced and rewards given within the next 24 hours. WELCOME, DEAR FRIENDS, TO THE REFLECTION HUNTERS CONTEST - Round 209 📸…alfrin in #hive-150329 • 9 days agoPOBphotocontest The great guardian of Caracas el Avila / El gran guardián de caracas el Ávila.ENGLISH VERSION Caracas is a green city where you can see in many houses many plants that Caracas people put in their homes. ![](alfrin rebloggeduntilwelearn in #hive-190931 • 15 days agoPhone Photography Contest - 49🙏 Namaste to all Phone Photography lovers! Please read the entire post carefully and follow all the rules.🙏 The 48th edition of the phone photographyalfrin rebloggedolgavita in #hive-179017 • 13 days ago 📣 WINNERS of Reflection Hunters Contest ~ 🥇 Round 207 🥇It is time to announce the results of ROUND 207 of our Reflection Hunters contest. Like always, I want to thank every participant of this and previous rounds. You are great…alfrin rebloggedolgavita in #hive-179017 • 14 days agoReflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 208 🎺 Announcement 🎺!Round 207 is now closed . Winners will be announced and rewards given within the next 24 hours. WELCOME, DEAR FRIENDS, TO THE REFLECTION HUNTERS CONTEST - Round 208 📸…alfrin rebloggedcastri-ja in #hive-194913 • 15 days agoDucks and more birds My entry to Qurator Photo Quest: Ducks During my walks through different parks in Spain, there is a common element that I aalfrin in #hive-102880 • 11 days agoQurator's Photo Quest Ducks teaching about life at the Caricuao Zoo / Patos enseñando de la vida en el zoologico de caricuaoENGLISH VERSION Zoos are educational centers where children can be taught that by seeing animals in person they can learn more about them than a simple boring class. ![](httpalfrin in #hive-131609 • 12 days agoLove The Clouds the tree clearing its garden of clouds / el árbol limpiando su jardín de nubes ENGLISH VERSION Sometimes when we walk around looking for that beauty hidden from our eyes and we take a photo to see something that seems interesting to us, we can discover in that phoalfrin rebloggeddigi-me in #hive-184784 • 14 days agoCCC's Street Art Contest #237 | 🎁 : 100% Liquid Payout and Ecency points as Prize Pool & Winners of #236Happy hello everyone and welcome!😃😃 With 10 participants here are the winners of edition 236 and congratulations to all.🔥🚀 And thank you very much for joining everyone, and welcome to the next edialfrin rebloggedhive-br in #hive-127515 • 19 days agoProposta #16 - Governança descentralizadaProposta nº 16 Sugerida por @gwajnberg, texto original abaixo conforme escrito pelo usuário no canal de proposta do Discord da Comunidade HiveBR: Objetivo O objetivo…alfrin in #hive-179017 • 13 days agoShadow Hunters the shadow of the route of innocence / la sombra de la ruta de la inocenciaENGLISH VERSION In this world where chaos and war overwhelm us with more and more worrying news every day, although some news is more encouraging. ![](alfrin in #hive-150329 • 17 days agoPOBphotocontest New Round: CARS Between the discarded past and the bright future / Entre el pasado desechado y el futuro brillanteENGLISH VERSION As time goes by and technology evolves at an even faster pace, old technologies are increasingly relegated to a shorter time. This ha