PostsCommentsalfrin in #hive-131609 • 4 days agoLove The Clouds Community The director of the sky made of clouds / El director del cielo hecho de nubesENGLISH VERSION In Venezuela, one of the programs that has changed the most lives and in the midst of the whirlwind of bad press that Venezuelans havalfrin in #hive-179017 • 4 days agoReflection Hunters Contest the reflection of wonder / el reflejo del asombroENGLISH VERSION The lion is a majestic and powerful animal, which dominates the top of the food chain of the African savannah. It is in zoos that city dwellers can be close talfrin in #hive-179017 • 7 days agoShadow Hunters SMASh Contest smile and a beautiful shadow profile / sonrisa y un bello perfil de la sombraENGLISH VERSION Children are the joy of a home, it is the great and wonderful force that drives us to continue and if we are depressed we see them, oalfrin in #hive-150329 • 9 days agoPOBphotocontest The great guardian of Caracas el Avila / El gran guardián de caracas el Ávila.ENGLISH VERSION Caracas is a green city where you can see in many houses many plants that Caracas people put in their homes. ![](alfrin in #hive-102880 • 11 days agoQurator's Photo Quest Ducks teaching about life at the Caricuao Zoo / Patos enseñando de la vida en el zoologico de caricuaoENGLISH VERSION Zoos are educational centers where children can be taught that by seeing animals in person they can learn more about them than a simple boring class. ![](httpalfrin in #hive-131609 • 12 days agoLove The Clouds the tree clearing its garden of clouds / el árbol limpiando su jardín de nubes ENGLISH VERSION Sometimes when we walk around looking for that beauty hidden from our eyes and we take a photo to see something that seems interesting to us, we can discover in that phoalfrin in #hive-179017 • 13 days agoShadow Hunters the shadow of the route of innocence / la sombra de la ruta de la inocenciaENGLISH VERSION In this world where chaos and war overwhelm us with more and more worrying news every day, although some news is more encouraging. ![](alfrin in #hive-150329 • 17 days agoPOBphotocontest New Round: CARS Between the discarded past and the bright future / Entre el pasado desechado y el futuro brillanteENGLISH VERSION As time goes by and technology evolves at an even faster pace, old technologies are increasingly relegated to a shorter time. This haalfrin in #hive-102880 • 18 days agoQurator's Photo Quest the reflection of expectation / el reflejo de la expectativaENGLISH VERSION In the heart of the city, going up to Mariperes, there is a center that is close to places where middle-class Venezuelans live and inalfrin in #hive-179017 • 20 days agoReflection Hunters Contest reflections of science / reflejos de la cienciaENGLISH VERSION Sometimes even in science, even more so if there were problems in Venezuela, where some analyzes were not done for a long time, one calfrin in #hive-179017 • 22 days agoShadow Hunters SMASh Contest corridor between shadows / pasillo entre sombrasENGLISH VERSION Sometimes in life, like this hallway, this corridor, we can be in an illuminated life but a moment of darkness can come, where a clear shadow of problems looms, and if walfrin in #hive-161155 • 24 days agoClub de Poesía - Semana 8 oasis de amor lejano / oasis of distant loveVERSION EN ESPAÑOL oasis de amor lejano Paso de los años en este camino de inciertos cruzando desiertos de tristeza y soledad sosegada ahoalfrin in #hive-131609 • 26 days agoTo The 'Love The Clouds' Contest! celestial fish tank / pecera celesteENGLISH VERSION Fortunately and at the same time unfortunately, the elevator in my mother's building has already been fixed and for this reason they aalfrin in #hive-179017 • 27 days agoReflection Hunters Contest Baba in reflection of the forest of the heavens / Baba en reflejo del bosque de los cielosENGLISH VERSION Well-run zoos are an ideal way to teach new generations about appreciating and caring for nature, which provides us with many services that help our quality ofalfrin in #hive-179017 • 29 days agoEntry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh visitors pointing in amazement / visitantes señalando en el asombroENGLISH VERSION In this life where every day passes between the stress that does not allow us to see the beautiful things in every corner we pass andalfrin in #hive-150329 • last monthPOBphotocontest art fair with balloons in the sambil caracas / feria del arte con globos en el sambil caracasENGLISH VERSION Art is the expression of human culture, it is a form of communication where feelings and ideas are expressed and are consistent with ealfrin in #hive-179017 • last monthReflection Hunters Contest reflections of a future of success in stars / reflejos de un futuro de exitos en estrellasENGLISH VERSION Each country or each institution must always look for a way to stimulate optimism and encourage citizens or its members to be encouraged every day to be better in orderalfrin in #hive-102880 • last monthQurator's Photo Quest photographylovers family hands united free from the virtual that separates / manos de familia unidas libres de lo virtual que separaENGLISH VERSION To maintain a healthy relationship between the family, it is very important to seek to spend time together, whether walking in a park, going out to ealfrin in #hive-150329 • last monthPOBphotocontest little angels with golden hair / angelitos de cabellos doradosENGLISH VERSION The color gold is one of the most pompous and beautiful colors that can be used to decorate or in art, thus highlighting that painting, sculpture, jalfrin in #hive-13323 • last monthSplinterlands Social Media Challenge / Asesino serial con ESTAMPIDA, combate casi imposible de lograr es hermoso / Serial killer with STAMPEDE, combat almost impossible to achieve is beautiful> Among the battle rules, one of the most difficult to take advantage of and see in action is the STAMPED battle rule, however finally when you manage to have all the conditions in the battle