Another week and another challenge, although this one is easier to tackle since it is enough to not use cards with the TAUNT ability, since if this were done it would cause you to be eliminated very quickly by having all the cards, the FURY ability makes it do double damage to cards with TAUNT.
RULESET: Ferocity
All units have the Fury ability.
Think carefully before including a unit with Taunt in your lineup as they will take double damage from units with Fury.

My Battle

In addition to having the fury ability we have.
All cards will have the MAGIC REFLECTION ability, so if cards with magical attacks are used, they will have the disadvantage that damage will be returned to themselves when attacking, making their use in the lineup disadvantageous.
Another interesting rule is BORN AGAIN, which will revive all cards once upon death, which makes an interesting effect to take into account that can benefit or harm.
We can only use a maximum of 18 energy which limits the alignment we can use and we can only use red, white or dragon cards.
My Team

This summoner will help me by removing -2 shield so that my melee cards can directly attack the life of my enemy's cards.
It will also allow me to summon a BRAWL card, which will help me achieve victory.

This card will help me receive the first attacks without my enemy being able to hit my attack force. In addition to its BACKFIRE ability, since this card has a speed of 4, it has a great opportunity to dodge attacks and therefore will do 2 damage to cards that do not hit its attack, thus helping to eliminate my opponent.

This will be the main attack card that will allow me to eliminate my enemy with its 5 melee attack, and will greatly resist attacks due to its 3 shield and 8 life.
In addition, the REACH ability will allow me to attack from the second position, which will help protect itself so I can kill the enemy's cards, thus increasing in all statistics due to the BLOODLUST ability, thus being on the first line I will already be with a life, shield and speed that allow him to be more difficult to eliminate.
RONDA 1 and 2
In the first round my enemy attacks my CHIMNEY WALLSTOP with his ORELLA ABADON, removing his shield.
His URAEUS attacks my NIMBLEDOOK SCOUT but he dies because he receives 2 damage when he misses the hit due to BACKFIRE's ability, being eliminated but he revives. Then he attacks with his VENARI MARKSRAT and lands the hit, leaving him at 2 life.
I only manage to attack his URAEUS and eliminate him definitively with my CHIMNEY WALLSTOP.
In round 2 my enemy attacks my CHIMNEY WALLSTOP with his ORELLA ABADON breaking his shield,
I attack his VENARI MARKSRAT with my CHIMNEY WALLSTOP, eliminating him once, thus increasing all the statistics to his ORELLA ABADON but his VENARI MARKSRAT revives.
RONDA 3 and 4
In round 3 my enemy attacks my CHIMNEY WALLSTOP with his ORELLA ABADON breaking his shield,
I definitively eliminate his VENARI MARKSRAT by attacking with my CHIMNEY WALLSTOP but this once again increases all the statistics of his ORELLA ABADON.
In round 4 my enemy eliminates my NIMBLE NOOK SCOUT by attacking him with his ORELLA ABADON but he revives.
I attack his ORELLA ABADON with my CHIMNEY WALLSTOP and eliminate him but he revives once
RONDA 5,6 and 7
In the fifth round his ORELLA ABADON eliminates my NIMBLEDOOK SCOUT definitely.
I eliminate his ORELLA ABADON definitivamente by attacking it with my CHIMNEY WALLSTOP .
his ANTOID PLATOON attacks my CHIMNEY WALLSTOP but misses the attack.
In the sixth and seventh round he attacks and eliminates his round ANTOID PLATOON without him being able to attack.
Here in this battle the key to victory is the BRAWL card that with its attack power and its shield and life and the BLOODLUST ability, allowed it to resist by increasing its life and by placing the shield, which protected it from my attacks. enemy-
In addition, the contribution of my NIMBLEDOOK SCOUT, which protected my tank from attacks, and the BACKFIRE ability, allowed him to contribute to the death of his URAEUS.