Today I am going with a happy banner. Why you may ask? Because there's been enough bad news in the markets and the world in the last couple of days. Plus Sunday is my weekly ten HSBI giveaway which is always a lot of fun for me. I started this about a month ago to give back to the Hive community that has helped me so much in the past year in my Hive journey.
Spring is finally here in force which is a nice change. Although it's a little cool with a chance of rain here it's beautiful weather. I've managed to get a lot of the yard work done that I've been putting off most the winter and now I'm just waiting for my new plants to get big enough to harden off and place in the garden. Several of the older plants just weren't looking healthy so they are being replaced with some fresh new tomato and peppers. The new tomatoes are looking great and the peppers are just finally sprouting. I'll have to share a post on those soon.
I hope everyone has had a great weekend so far!
Moving on to the giveaway. I used to do a daily re-blog lottery. I really got tired of the daily extra work so I decided to give it up and focus on quality content only during the week. I am focusing on engagement in this contest, that's why the following statement is in bold.
This contest is not a re-blog lottery, so please read the entry instructions so you can have a valid entry and with some luck be a lucky winner!
The Giveaway
I will be giving out two prizes of five (5) HSBI chosen at random from all of the valid entrants. There will also be one gold foil Splinterlands card as a third prize. If you don't play Splinterlands just let me know and I'll send you an HSBI instead. To participate you need a reputation level of at least 25 and bots of course cannot win. And please one entry per person to make it fair to everyone.
How to Enter
Every week this will change. I'm looking for engagement rather than just saying "I am in". There is no need to upvote or re-blog, although if you choose to I would appreciate it. This week's question is an easy one: ** What is your favorite dessert and why?**
I know it's lazy sticking with the food theme, but it's a lot of fun!
If you are unfamiliar with the prize you can learn more here: @steembasicincome/hive-sbi or check out my recent post: https://labs.inleo.io/@thebighigg/hsbi-what-are-they-my-experience-and-a-starter-guide
Choosing the Winners
All valid entries will be placed on the Wheel of Names and I will spin it three times. The first prize will be 5 HSBI units. The second prize will be another 5 HSBI units. And the third prize will be for the card shown below or one HSBI unit, your preference. And since I am spinning the same wheel three times in a row it is theoretically possible for the same person to win all three prizes! Although I have yet to see it happen, maybe this week?
One week from today which will be Sunday April 21, 2024 at 12 PM California Pacific Time.
Last Weeks Winners
Spin #1:
Congratulation @nabbas0786 you have won 5 HSBI units!
Spin #2:
This man is on fire! Congratulations @silvertop you have won 5 HSBI units!
Spin #3:
Congratulations @vinzie1 , you have won your choice of the gold foil Chaos Knight or one HSBI. Just let me know which you prefer and I'll get it sent over to you!
That will just about do it for today's post. Congratulations to the winners once again! If you have any suggestions, questions, or comments please feel free to leave them below. Have a great weekend everyone!
And since I am posting in the #freecompliments community I just wanted to remind everyone to take some time today to be kind. A little kindness can make a huge difference in someone's life. Please check out the community and consider joining us!
Splinterlands card image is property of Splinterlands.
If you are interested in precious metals or even want to learn more about them feel free to come join us #silvergoldstackers
Posted Using InLeo Alpha