dewabrata in #hive-146620 • 4 hours agoSATURDAY SAVERS CLUB - Another Dull WeekGreeting Everyone. Welcome to my weekly #saturdaysavers post, this is my saving update post I regularly publish them on HIVE. Why do I do this? Well.. Thdewabrata in #hive-140084 • yesterdayDon't Get Distracted By Making Super Strong UnitsHi there. We meet again here in my blog. As usuall I would like to welcome you all to my weekly Splinterlands post. This is my second post for this week, and I use this as mdewabrata in #hive-146620 • 2 days agoPreparing Your Back Up Meta, Some Battles Need It !Howdy, How are you all? Welcome to my weekly Splinterlands post. As Usually I always write a post about Splinterlands during weekend, It is one of the best Blockchain gdewabrata in #hive-107801 • 3 days agoPosting Apa Ya? Kebanyakan Mikir Juga Tidak BaikPagi Siang dan Malam Semuanya Seperti biasa, setiap minggu saya usahakan untuk aktif menulis di komunitas Satu Jiwa ini. Terus terang saya lagi kesulitan untuk menentukan topik…dewabrata in #hive-146620 • 4 days agoMy dCity Journal - Setting My New Rule of ThumbHello my fellow dCity Citizens It's been two weeks since my last update about my dCity and I think it's about time I make my move regarding I want to catch up with my friends'…dewabrata in #hive-146620 • 5 days agoSATURDAY SAVERS CLUB - Still Keep Up With HPUD HabitHello, Good Day Everyone Welcome to my #saturdaysavers post, it is a club activity where all of us here sharing our saving goals and saving updates. We adewabrata in #hive-146620 • 6 days agoFirst Time Testing The Survival BattleHello All Welcome to my weekly Splinterlands post. In this opportunity I would like to share the newest gameplay that just recently added to this game. I mean this is ldewabrata in #hive-140084 • 9 days agoBeat Them Out Only By Speeding UpHello Everyone Welcome to my weekly Splinterlands post. Usually I say that I make Splinterlands post during weekend, but this time I don't do that. I make this post in midewabrata in #hive-107801 • 11 days agoPadang Rasa JowoHalo semuanya Jumpa lagi dengan tulisan saya di minggu ini, saya harap saudara saudari sekalian tidak bosan dengan apa yang saya sajikan tiap minggu di komunitas Satu Jiwa…dewabrata in #hive-140084 • 12 days agoSometime You Want To Be Alone Hello There It's been a while since the last time I make a freestyle writing here. Freewriting means that I don't care about the outline, the grammar, the topic, and many more.…dewabrata in #hive-146620 • 13 days agoMy dCity Journal - Time To Get My dCity Back To The TrackHow long has it been? More than 2 months! I have been away from this game too long, and this is the time I say this: ![untitled.gif](dewabrata in #hive-146620 • 14 days agoSATURDAY SAVERS CLUB - Property Has Become A Bad InvestmentHello, Good Day Everyone Welcome to my #saturdaysavers post, it is a club activity where all of us here sharing our saving goals and saving updates. Thisdewabrata in #hive-146620 • 15 days agoConfuse About How Strong Your Team? Just Build A Solid Line UpGreetings Everyone Welcome to my weekly Splinterlands post. Everyweek Iwrite about Splinterlands game because I like this game. It is an unique Play to Earn TCG on Hive Blockdewabrata in #hive-140084 • 16 days agoDuring Blast Ruleset - If No Reflection Shield Available, Make Sure Your Team Hit FirstHello Fellow Hivians Welcome to my weekly Splinterlands post, as always, I write about Splinterlands game during Weekends. For Today topic, I sharing a thought about Expdewabrata in #hive-107801 • 18 days agoTerkadang Arah Kehidupan Ini Tidak BeraturanSemangat pagi semuanya Masih seperti kondisi sebelumnya, saya belum fit benar untuk kembali menulis secara rutin. Tapi melihat om @happyphoenix tetap semangat menulis di…dewabrata in #hive-179017 • 19 days agoEntry for the Reflection Hunters Contest #207 ~ Mirror AlleyI am having some kind of writers block recently, and this condition comes most likely because I am in mourning. I used to blog on Hive late at night while accompanying my sick…dewabrata in #hive-146620 • 22 days agoSATURDAY SAVERS CLUB - LEO POWER UP DAY [ LPUD ] FEBRUARY LION ATTACKHowdym How do you do? Welcome to my #saturdaysavers post, it is a club activity where all of us here sharing our saving goals and saving updates. We aredewabrata in #hive-140084 • 23 days agoPlaying Defensive During Noxious Fumes Is OutdatedHello, I hope you are all good today. Welcome to my weekly Splinterlands post, as usual I always write about Splinterlands during Weekends. For Today topic, I have chosendewabrata in #hive-146620 • 27 days agoSATURDAY SAVERS CLUB - Should I Get Back To 100% HP Rewards now?Hi Everyone Welcome to my #saturdaysavers post, it is a club activity where all of us here sharing our saving goals and saving updates. We are entering tdewabrata in #hive-107801 • 28 days agoAkhirnya Dapat Sepatu BaruHalo semua sobat satu jiwa Terus terang saya dah sebulanan ini susah untuk fokus menulis kembali. Mungkin yang kenal saya dah berbulan-bulan atau mungkin setahun lebih, bisa…