The Word Written In Our Heart.

in The Kingdom29 days ago

Hello Believers, how are you all doing today?

So this is a revelation that I just got,


Back in elementary school, we had to learn our times tables?

Like, 4×4 is 16.

8 × 2 is 16, etc.

It's one thing to memorize the answer to the math problem, but it's another thing to know how to actually do it.

I got so good at memorizing, at one point, I forgot how to do the long division or multiplication.

God does not just want us to memorize Bible verses and have them in our bios and have them on our phones. He wants us to write them on the tablet of our hearts.

He wants them to be written on the inside of us so that when a situation comes up and where we feel discouraged, we can say,

The scripture that says, you know, God will never leave me nor forsake me.

Like, there's different scriptures that we can apply, but if we just memorize them, but we don't actually have them written on our heart, if we haven't actually meditated on them and went through situations that forces us to actually go back to the word and read and say, Okay, how do I apply the word of God to this?

Because I need God in this situation.

Then we'll never learn.

We'll never learn the power of the word of God in our lives.

The Bible says that Jesus in the beginning was the word.

The word was with God and the word was God.

Sounds like Jesus.

So let's not just have the word in our bio, but let's have the word on our hearts.