debbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 28 days agoMini Bible Study: A Good SeedHello Believers, how are you all doing today? Let me tell you how the revelation God just gave me. Come join mini Bible study with me real quick. [Pixabay](debbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 29 days agoThe Word Written In Our Heart.Hello Believers, how are you all doing today? So this is a revelation that I just got, Pixabay Back in elementary school, we haddebbyfranker in #hive-142376 • last monthGOD IS WITH ME ALWAYS Hello Believers, how are you all doing today? The beautiful thing about vessels, even as I'm looking, I see a vision of a vase. Even though vessels have the ability to pour…debbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 2 months agoABOVE ALL YOU CAN ASK OR THINKWhat looks like could be the end of your career, and what looks like the end of ministry could be the beginning of something new. And God is just undoing some things and…debbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 2 months agoAnytime I Call God AnswersHello Believers, What's up, y'all? I don't know who needs to hear this, but if you're looking for a confirmation right now that God is hearing your prayers, this is your sign. [Pixabay](debbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 2 months agoLessons I Learned During My Waiting SeasonHello Believers, happy Sunday to you all. Three things I have learned or I have helped me in my waiting season. pixabay Onedebbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 3 months agoDon't Try To Overtake God On The Path He Is Leading YouCan we stop trying to pass God on the path we ask him to lead us on? pixabay And all believers are included. ***God, what are my steps?debbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 3 months agoAcknowledge God So That He Can Direct Our PathWhen the thoughts in your mind start to create realities that go beyond the capacity that God gave you in real life, stop thinking them. [pixabay](debbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 5 months agoThe Devil Wants You To Be Stucked On The Other SideThe enemy literally wants you to live your life stuck behind a fence. Get it? Stuck behind a fence, a fence, offense, whatever. [Pixabay](debbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 5 months agoENJOY GOD DON'T ENDURE HIMSo today my apostle says so many people endure God that they're not actually enjoying him. Pixabay Our Bible tells me that Jesus cdebbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 5 months agoGOD IS PROUD OF YOUI need you to hear that God is proud of you. Proud of you, not because of what you've done, what you've failed at, what you've succeeded at, but because you are simply his child. [Source](debbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 5 months agoGod Wants You To Meditate On Good Things OnlyToday the Holy Spirit told me I'm mending you, binding things to you, and undoing things from you all at the same time. He said that is why people that are undergoing operation…debbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 5 months agoGod Wants Us To Let GoGod just gave me a good revelation. You know how different people dress from different eras. Like, there's the 90s people, the ones that dress from the 70s. Like, different…debbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 5 months agoYou Are Made Perfect Already By GodHey, can I tell you something? Ignore the sounds in the background. You don't have to be the best. Pixabay I know this culture idebbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 5 months agoFaith Gives Us The Leverage To Time Travel As A ChristianDid you know we could time travel as Christians? So the Bible tells us that we walk by faith and not by sight. In Hebrews 11 and 1 tells us that faith is the substance of…debbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 6 months agoGiving My Life To Christ You have been contemplating or you've been wondering how to finally give your life to Christ and today is the day. Before we get into how to give your life to Christ, I'm going…debbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 6 months agoTHERE IS POWER IN YOUR TONGUE If you're having trouble with cursing as a Christian, this is why you have to stop. Pixabay The Bible tells us that death and lidebbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 6 months agoThis Is A New Season Some of us have been bound for so long, being free feels strange. When I was delivered from depression, anytime something happened around me that made me feel like I was going to fall badebbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 6 months agoGod Is Removing All Barriers In My LifeEvery time you look at your tomb, you're looking at your testimony. Everything the enemy tried to bury you with, every lie they spoke over your life, every time they said that…debbyfranker in #hive-142376 • 6 months agoUse The Word Of God To Cancel The Plan Of The DevilYou want to know a spiritual warfare tactic the enemy tries to use on Christians? He will try to silence you through fear or the feeling of defeat because he knows that death…