The nature reserve never disappoints in the search for (¨FungiFriday¨)

in FungiFridaylast year
Hola amigos y apasionados seguidores de esta maravillosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  Este post lo escribí ayer por la tarde, y lo publique en horas muy temprano; después de varios meses de espera finalmente me voy a practicar el examen en el ¨ojo¨ derecho, les recuerdo que han encontrado una afección y desean ver cuanto está afectando mi ¨visión¨. Esta es la primera vez que me voy a practicar este estudio, no tengo ni idea de que se trata y cuanto durara, por esa razón no se si podre estar activo por la tarde y visitar sus posts como lo hago todas las semanas, por favor sepan disculparme

Source: Family Álbum

Hello friends and passionate followers of this wonderful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  I wrote this post yesterday afternoon, and published it very early in the morning; After several months of waiting, I am finally going to perform the exam on my right “eye”, I remind you that they have found a condition and want to see how much it is affecting my “vision”. This is the first time that I am going to practice this study, I have no idea what it is about and how long it will last, for that reason I don't know if I will be able to be active in the afternoon and visit your posts like I do every week, please please excuse me

Cuando se trata de salir a buscar hongos para el desafío de los viernes la reserva natural nunca decepciona, dado que siempre algún tipo de hongo hallamos allí. En esta oportunidad tuvimos un gran día, ya que dimos con tres variedades de hongos diferentes. Me encanto haber escogido el sendero por donde caminamos, los fuertes vientos que ha azotado la zona han hecho caer algunas ramas de árbol, fue allí donde hallamos este hermoso ejemplar conocido con el nombre de ¨Schizophyllum¨ ¨commune¨: como pueden ver es un hongo hermoso, y tiene unas formas peculiares muy atractiva

Source: Family Álbum

When it comes to going out looking for mushrooms for the Friday challenge, the nature reserve never disappoints, since we always find some type of mushroom there. This time we had a great day, as we found three different varieties of mushrooms. I loved having chosen the path where we walked, the strong winds that have hit the area have caused some tree branches to fall, it was there where we found this beautiful specimen known by the name of ¨Schizophyllum¨ ¨commune¨: as you can see it is a beautiful mushroom, and it has very attractive peculiar shapes

El siguiente hongo no lucia tan bien como el anterior, pero no deja de ser un hongo hermoso con una forma llamativa, aunque el hongo estaba en proceso de descomposición pude determinar que se trata de un hongo que comúnmente se lo llama hongo ¨repisa¨:  Creo que no hace falta mencionar que es llamado así por su peculiar forma. Por el estado en que se encontraba no pude definir su especie, dado que este género de hongo tiene muchas especies

Source: Family Álbum

The next mushroom did not look as good as the previous one, but it is still a beautiful mushroom with a striking shape, although the mushroom was in the process of decomposition I was able to determine that it is a fungus which is commonly called a fungus ¨ledge¨:  I think it goes without saying that It is so called because of its peculiar shape. Due to the state it was in, I could not define its species, since this genus of mushroom has many species

No se si tuve suerte o es que escogí bien los senderos en buscar los hongos, ya que dimos con unas hermosas variedades. El tercer hongo que encontré es muy conocido en gran parte del mundo; su nombre científico es ¨Junghuhnia¨:   otra forma en que llaman a este hongo, es ¨hongo¨ de ¨corteza¨ por su peculiar forma. Aunque son hongos muy llamativos y bonitos, no es buena señal verlos en los troncos o ramas de los aboles, ya que estos están donde la madera se está descomponiendo

Source: Family Álbum

I don't know if I was lucky or if I chose the right paths to look for mushrooms, since we found some beautiful varieties. The third mushroom I found is well known in much of the world; Its scientific name is ¨Junghuhnia¨:   another way they call this fungus, It is ¨mushroom¨ from ¨bark¨ because of its peculiar shape. Although they are very striking and beautiful mushrooms, it is not a good sign to see them on the trunks or branches of trees, since these are where the wood is decomposing

No estoy seguro si algunos de estos hongos son comestibles, por su apariencia no lo creo, pero si lo fueran no me atraen para preparar algo de comer con ellos; si me parecen hermosos para acompañar a nuestro amigo @ewkaw en este maravilloso ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   Una vez más fue nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ con las que hicimos estas bellas tomas

Source: Family Álbum

I'm not sure if some of these mushrooms are edible, because of their appearance I don't think so, but if they are, they don't attract me to prepare something to eat with them; Yes, I think they are beautiful to accompany our friend @ewkaw in this wonderful ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   Once again it was our camera ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ with which we took these beautiful shots


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


I have never seen such beautiful pictures of mushrooms. The mushrooms in these pictures look so beautiful that I want to take them out of the pictures and eat them.

Good morning dear friend
Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs, you are very kind
I take this opportunity to wish you a great weekend.

Sigo maravillada! Sus formas y texturas son caprichosas y originales siempre!! Los primeros parecen manos saludando... yo y mi imaginación jaja gracias @jlufer 😃

Como estas querida amiga @avdesing Buen dia

Si, los hongos que hallamos en esta oportunidad son realmente hermosos, todos diferentes y cada uno con su propio encanto

Es verdad, parecen manos que estan saludando

Aprovecho para desearte una hermosa mañana

Iguamente @jlufer hermoso día para vos también!!😃

Oh... I found a beautiful mushroom in your post tonight, you featured some amazing types of mushrooms today, but the last one became one of my favorites, the shape is very beautiful and beautiful, thank you brother I for sharing with us, have a nice day.

I'm not surprised that the last variety of mushrooms are your favorites, since they are beautiful mushrooms.
Thank you very much dear friend @furkanmamplam for the great support you give me
Have a great day

Everyone loves mushrooms, I hear he's a FUNGI!


Did you hear about the remote control that went to jail?
He was charged with battery

Credit: reddit
@jlufer, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ironshield


Yes, these are very popular, and I think they are known in many parts of the world.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit
have a good weekend

Wow! Wow! Wow! These are really awesome photos of your fungi my friend. Specially the one's that re on the branch lining up. So pretty, they looked like fans!
Yeap, I totally agree, nature never really fails to amaze us.

I hope all will be well on your eye check-up @jlufer, nothing serious.

Yes, the review went very well, now we have to visit the ophthalmologist to read the diagnosis
Those mushrooms are really beautiful.
Thank you very much dear friend for appreciating my photographs.
Have a beautiful afternoon

Happy Pumped Up GIF by AT&T


You must be killin' it out here!
@edgerik just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @jlufer.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Thank you very much dear friend, you are very kind
have a wonderful weekend

Entretenidas imágenes, parece muy relajante está experiencia, muy buenas las tomas y la explicación, saludos

Buenas tardes querido amigo
buscar hongos es muy divertido, deberias intentarlo
Muchas gracias por apreciar mi post, eres muy gentil

Creo que sería divertido, pero no creo que encuentre ninguno en mi localidad 😬

asi pensaba yo antes de iniciarme en este hermoso mundo de los hongos, al principio no daba con ningun hongo, hasta que supe donde y cuando buscarlos, inicia y veras como todo fluye

Es que no tengo naturaleza cerca o por lo menos una que propicie su crecimiento, ya veré si se me ocurre algo. Saludos